the ball and the fall part 1.

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The next morning draco woke sitting straight up and ran down the hall at top speed and triped a few times . he had to find Hermione and ask if last night was real. as he ran past and knocking down other people in halls he drew a lot of attention and then he saw blaze who looked worried. heyy have you seen Hermione it's important no dude sorry but I think thay left to get there glamors off and get ready for ball and the trap has been set too. ginny will play Ron and get him there and then change back too her and dress to join us for ball. oh and coagulations on baby dude. wait blaze Hermione  is pregnant yes she told you yesterday ya of course.  are you ok ya ya let's go we have to get ready and send Potter the note. what happened to the real Ron Weasley pansy that big pain in my ass.  ya she is always doing things on her own why dose that daz guy like her I don't know . Luna really already set to marry that teacher . Ya he is a veela so she will be cared for and rich helps  our mum and fatherbut ill miss my sister. Blaze we have a tight group we have to keep our way of life and world together.  Yes I know draco.  Now for the letter . I'll meet you at the spot . Ok see ya . Right now Hermione was with narssesa tom lucius and her mum. it was time to get her glamor off the girls lined up and it began.  Hermione was frist and tom waved his wand and eavryone gasped she looked like her dad she was gorgeous. 


As she looked in the mirror she did not know who it was she knew it would take time but she loved it

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As she looked in the mirror she did not know who it was she knew it would take time but she loved it .
Next was pansy.
Now pansy I know your parents are no longer here so we have decided to take off your glamor and the snape family home and valt is yours you are loyal to my daughter and the family so I will not punish you for your parents. Thank you my lord .


well you are beautiful  and deadly

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well you are beautiful  and  have been blessed with gifts at birth and have used them well. Now luna malfoy if you look like your mum this is a good day . Yes my wife is gorgeous she's always been that and I have always been her puppet.  Aww thank you dear . I feel sick tom be nice to our friends.  Bella why start now . In deed why. What was that lucius. Oh nothing.  Ok luna stay still and with that narssesa preformed the spell .

Luna .

Even tom had to admit she was gorgeous

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Even tom had to admit she was gorgeous.  And sexy but her veela would kill any man who tried to get close to her . Now you girls look yourselves and how do you feel . I love it daddy . Hermione my love im glad but I must ask do you love him are you happy with him and the baby . Yes he's a good man . Ok my love but if he hurts you I will deal with him. I understand.  Now we are planning a party for our son and our daughters up coming baby with draco . We are soon to be inlaws and welcome the malfoys to help plan the event . Well I knew our son wouldn't let the name of malfoys down he has made us vary proud.  Yes well you girls go get ready and we shall deal with things here . And with that thay went upstairs to Hermiones room to get ready for there futures.

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