the ball and the fall part 2 .

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As Harry was about to go to the Weasleys to tell them still no word  from Ron. He got an owl it said bring mum and dad to malfoy manor. I know how to kill them all and get our numbers back  and finally finish this like Dumbledore wanted with our side in  power Ron . He was so happy when he realized his friend was alive her ran right into mr Lee as he was on his way to get ready for the ball. Mr Potter whats the hurry im on my way to win the light side war finally.  May I tell you something when angles sin . And the devil can love how do know witch side is truly bad and as you say dark or if there hood and light. Because thay kill and hurt those who disagree with them . And dose the light side also do that yes but there evil.  How do you know there evil have you spent time with them really talked and tried to understand there point of view.  Or seen in person them being evil as you say . No .no you just have been going along with  what a power hungry old man and a family who whats to be well off  instead of poor but work for it . Who are you but a boy thay have no problem  putting in harms way
Who has no problem following blindly.  Thay killed the long bottoms .no your parents did thay set his wife up and bella was taken for four years from her daughter and family. So yes he did kill your parents but your mum tried to use you as a shield so you got a scare . Poof is in the pensive.  With that Harry ran to the head mistress office he knew she was out so he could get in and out unseen.  He put his head in and looked and he saw the truth his life was a chess pice he now new the right thing to do  . So he sent an owl to the dark lord asking to meet at the edge of the wood given his word to be alone he said I now know the truth and want revenge and go pledge his loyalty.  And the he waited and soon got his answer. It said ten minutes. So he left for the lake and the woods edge.  Tom was on edge but if this was true he had a wonderful thing he had Potter on his side . Bella yes dear tell ginny she no longer had to play Ron and to expect a special guest tonight.  And then left for a important meeting.
As he arrived he could feel thay were alone he was pleased. Riddle. Harry what has brought this change of heart .I know the truth now i want to join you and pledge my loyalty to you. I want to be  death eater.  I am pleased that all this will end in a peaceful way I have been the bad guy unjustly for too long.  Our world has always had the royal family and then the upper and lower class. But we value our family and friends our kind has always had to stay together the muggle world calls us all evil and wicked. Thay burn and kill us . We just now are starting to be able to be among them safely. Its funny yhay went from burn the witch to I want to be one. Harry did find it funny . Now how can I be sure you really are serious. I brought you a gift he threw a large brown bag at toms feet. I know ginny and the twins are with you so I spared them but I did the rest. As tom emptied the bag on the ground he was schoked . that made Harry laugh what is the matter my lord poor little Potter to weak to do bad things .the smile grew on his face . As tom gazed down at the severed heads of  the last three Weasley sons and mr. And Mrs. Weasley.  All with looks of horror on there faces. Well done my boy . Name your price on loyalty.  I want to be apart of the royal family but you would have to marry Hermione bit she off the table . But there is a way I can apoint you my advisor same status just no Hermione. And after you will serve draco and Hermione. Advisor to the royal family thats all I can give . Harry thought a bit the whole up rising is off so may as well be in charge the a worker . Deal and one more thing me and Fred we want to marry were in love I don't care who you love we don't judge so yes and George wants to be with his love a slitherin named snow yes I know her she is a death eater like him so no problem . Them we have a deal . Shall we send them to the papers and let the world know this is all changes we run things now .yes let's so thay did now let's get back we have to get ready to celebrate and have a ball. And off thay went . As thay arrived draco blaze and daz was trying to get ready for there girls to officially  be there's. Draco saw Potter and was nervous for his family  . You ok my lord whats he doing here .he is my new royal advisor and tom told the story and thay all welcome Harry and send word of it all to the girls . In just three hours thay would be sorted and given jobs no small tasks rather.  And gentlemen all the the girls are expecting. So I guess I know what you all do at school.  Too keep them all together Harry bella and myself will find you a baby as well thank you . Why can't his girlfriend not give him one .Draco im with Fred.  Oh Oh never mind.  Now we go into the hall and wait for girls .

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