the burning

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What did you do daddy . Well princess lave of my life . Daddy. Ok so I may have forgotten to tell you that all pureblood girls apon turnings 16 must attend a ball . Well whats so bad about a ball her mother's face came in next to her dads . Well dear it a tradition to keep pureblood pure so you go and get bidded on and who you get is your soul mate. She could see tears not good .how do you know its your soul mate if your sold off like a cow . Well thay put the tickets in a hat and only your soul mates name will come out when you reach in. It
S how I got your dad . She was shaking by now tom was hiding behind bella . He knew a teenager that was half Bellatrix and half him was scary. But don't be mad its tradition . I know ill get used to it. But what if you love someone who is not your soul mate . Bella was getting suspicious know why do you ask . Just trying to understand mum .Bella knew better .Tom spoke now that has never happened. Ok I love guys i need to go potter is on his way to a meeting at lunch so need to get ready . Ok darling ill send your costume for the Halloween ball . And with that thay were gone . Hermione went to the nearest bathroom to hide . What can I do its tradition and between that and dealing with idiots. I can't get that draco out of my head I must be going insane. Soon she was walking with luna to the meeting m so how you going to handle this mess you got us all in too . Luna sometimes I really don't know what your talking about. Oh yes you do mistress. Potter draco the ball hiding said love for him that mess. Hermione spun on her heels how did you know we grew up together i do have eyes and I like someone too. But let's fix your life shall we. And I meant it when I said we me and pansy will fallow you to the grave your are sister frist the mistress. Thank you luna no problem. Thay walked in to a dark room so lun lit candles. Ok were is eavryone oh were here sorry were late Ron was hungry.
Now we are planning to crash the wedding ball more like selling ball Ron said laughing. Ron you might not like what thay do but you will remember your sister has to go yes Hermione sorry. As Harry went over the plan luna recorded the details and once thay were in a safe place sent them to her master. Now whats say we go eat dinner and take pansy and ginny the the dark mark meeting. Ok at dinner Potter asked luna to the Halloween ball a passed off Ron asked me and we had to accept. Ginny and pansy were going with daz and ginny with Cole and ginny wit a kid named Mike from ravenclaw . As the night finally came thay all put there death eater stuff on and flood to the meeting. Hermione had hid so not to be recognized.

As her dad came in he saw her and winked so only thay saw

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As her dad came in he saw her and winked so only thay saw . Now pansy luna what have you found. The order are planning to crash the ball sir and we have a rat in our mist he and his wife are loyal to the order sir I have sent the proof to you earlier today. Yes my loyalty from you is strong . So let's deal with this shall we. Will Mr and misses snape step up you both will be burned at the stake but one at a time so you can watch the woman you love die its a little out dated but curse and fitting. No let's make sure our wards are up and I have another surprise my daughter can no longer be hidden if she is to attend and find the man to share my throne. But at school her and luna and pansy shall still were there glamors for there mission. So the ball is the only look for now that you get . With that. He called the meeting over and thay all went out side to burn some old friends. It was almost midnight she had to det ready to meet draco. As Hermione was in her world Bella had been watching her daughter and told her husband she was going out to check something he said becareful she said she would .and quickly flood to her daughter's room and wrote a note telling Hermione she got her a gift and quickly turned herself into this .

and quickly flood to her daughter's room and wrote a note telling Hermione she got her a gift and quickly turned herself into this

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She was going to figure this out. Just then the door opened and ginny and Hermione came in . Quickly Hermione you'll be late for your date . Oh look a puppy. Its not a sate im just going to teach him to dance he's not like what you hear he was taken credit for blaze too look good but it went bad .ya I guess and maybe if we hang out I can finally get him out of my head im going crazy gen trying to be me and a spy and not fall in love . Hearing that made Bella want to cry she forgot she's still a teenager. Not foot soldier. She decided to watch this play out and help with Potter if needed .ok let's go its time as she left Bella fallowed and before she knew it here suspicious thoughts were right she went to see malfoy. And then a song began to play it was a sweet song . So she slipped in before anyone could see and sat in a dark corner hidden and nothing that was about to happen a mother should spy on.

Up next the dance.
Song at top

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