the babys are here.

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Well after the ball it took a few weeks to get the wizzarding world in order and take over the ministry. And thay made draco mister of magic. And Hermione was in charge of making sure that any muggle borns were striped of there powers at birth and assigned jobs to half bloods . Narssesa still head mistress of hogwarts. And the others all got there own minors but stayed close. And now wit things in order the heads being sent to the papers was not as big of a problem as once thought today Hermione and draco were getting there own manor and bella and tom both wanted to speak to them one at a time . The girls were due any day so thay were to meet at that time at a pureblood manor safe house were only trusted drs would be allowed to attend. Tom frist called Hermione who was sad for the frist time she knew this was the last time she would be in this room and her life was really changing ya she was married and had a great job and about to be a mum but still. She had never been away from home her safe space except hogwarts. She walked in to her dads office and sat in a plush shair . Heyy dad wanted to see me .yes my love you are my only little girl I wish I could keep you but you have fly and I know I have you mum and your brother but you hold a big part of my heart . And if that man ever hurts you or makes you cry I give him eternal pain and death when he has nothing left . Father draco is so kind and gentle he has to seem hard because he's a Malfoy but he treats me well and loves me. Thats all I ask and your doing well at your job . Thank you oh and burn that necklace with that girl in it lavender something. She's suffered enough. Yes father. Send in draco and go find your mum ok . Draco father wants you ok love . Your mums in the library reading to tom Jr ok . Sir you need me .yes draco you have my daughter and I know you love each other. Yes sir she and our baby are my life . Yes and I have a gift its the manor me bella had built for you both with efls and all. Thank you sir . No just tom we are family. Thank you tom . Keep them safe draco. I will now bella wants you . Yes sir . Oh draco I know your father is starting to slop he has hit your mother and disobeyed me by not doing his duties kill him and protect the name of malfoy and prove your still loyal. Yes sir .

With Hermione and bella.

Mum .oh my darling im so proud of you. Today you start your life without us . You know we are always here but you are going to be a mum and that means growing up. I love you my baby but now toms the baby and I see a grown woman so take this tap it and I will be there.

 I love you my baby but now toms the baby and I see a grown woman so take this tap it and I will be there

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Thanks mum now . Before you go to your new home i need to see draco ok. She found him comeing up the stairs. My love mum needs you ill be in the car our stuff was already sent to the manor ok. He arrived at the library and saw bell holding a sleeping tom and a book . Come in draco I know you both are going to be ok but I want you to know that I'm here if you feel you can't go to my husband im here . Yes mum . She gave him a hug and he left the room . In the car Hermione asked if thay had there own wing at malfoy manor. No love we have our own manor with elfs . Oh thats wonderful. Thay saw that this was on the end of a row of manors all there friends she was happy and that made him happy.

She suddenly felt a wet feeling and pain

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She suddenly felt a wet feeling and pain .Draco. yes im in labor . Ok ok ok let's get to ybe safe house. And so yhay started off to a crazy house. When tha arrived all the girls were there and thay were all in pain and after 2hours the baby's were here .

Harry and Fred's.

Then was pansy and dazAmy

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Then was pansy and daz

Then was pansy and dazAmy

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Then luna and Lee.


Blaze and ginny

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Blaze and ginny.

Then Hermione and dracos

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Then Hermione and dracos .

Winter . Summer . Rain .

Thay were all proud and all took there baby's home and to a much needed rest

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Thay were all proud and all took there baby's home and to a much needed rest . And a lovely night .

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