the secrets out .

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The next morning the girls met at the bottom of the stairs. In the dungeons thay knew a passage to hogsmead.  And Hermione. Of course had to stay under the cloke her mum gave all the girls for death eaters meetings. Thay would only reveal their true self and remove the glamor when thay attend the ball . But just then draco and blaze came around rhe corner.  And bumped into someone knocking them down .Hermione why are with purebloods you can't be here unless your a pureblood or the passage will kill you it was made by our house founder. Umm iiii .wait way are you with them . Oh for heaven sake we will be late .she is a pureblood.  Luna and ginny both scream pansy.  Sorry I like shopping and there in love so he would have  figured it out.  What do thay mean Hermione. Please just meet me tonight ill explain.  And with that thay walked through the passage. Leaving a confused draco and blaze.
As thay passage thay were in a magic shop run by the Weasley twins .Hermione was shocked. Fred met them in the basement and led them up .to the main shop. Dont look so surprised we work for the dark lord he gave us this for saying we'd spy plus our sister needs us we don't care what happens to the rest.
She was happy to have them as allys but she hated she did not know . She would write her mum later if she was to be in charge one day she wanted to be kept in the loop so not to look stupid.  But right now she just wanted to get this over with and get back to draco . As thay exited the shop thay saw all the Halloween decorations and thay were so happy thay loved it. Thay arrived at a shop that was know to be extremely  expensive. And as thay entered thay saw a short fat but beautiful witch.  Hello  my lovely ladys. You must be the malfoy party . Yes ma'am my mum made the appointment. Yes miss luna she's here and she's with Mrs riddle . This way please. She led them to a private room only for the best for the dark lord and his followers.  As thay went in thay huged there mums and sat in a chair next to them.  Narssesa spoke to a out of place ginny . Ginny please join us your family now after all you live with us now and your a pureblood so always act like one never show you feel out of place always act as if its your party . And pansy my love how are you . Good thank you Mrs malfoy.  Now all you have to do is put this ring on and your perfect dress will appear.  What no trying on endless dresses. No thats only for the lower class my dear and ill pay for you we are adopting you after all you can't keep you name after this . I understand. Ginny put on the ring and this dress appeared on her body she was stunning.

Next was lunas turn

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Next was lunas turn .
She put on the ring and wow her mum almost cried.

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You will look wonderful in that when your glamor is off my love .

Next was pansy she put it on and she got a dress to dream of .

And finally Hermione  steped up and put on the ring

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And finally Hermione  steped up and put on the ring . To say her eavry curve was met and her father would die after this was an under statement. 

Now to show you how nice you'll look in thoses dreses we will show you what you look like with out your glamor but just for a moment

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Now to show you how nice you'll look in thoses dreses we will show you what you look like with out your glamor but just for a moment. 

Pansy snape.

Luna malfoy

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Luna malfoy.

Hermione riddle

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Hermione riddle .

And thay all were beautiful

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And thay all were beautiful.  And after thay were done thay went to have dinner and on the way thay met up with lucius malfoy. Hello my loves how was shopping. Good but father why are you here and not with our lord . Well thats the thing my pet he wants us to come to his study to tell us some news. Ok well you girls get back to school . Yes Mrs malfoy.  Good bye darling ill take your dresses to the manor. Ok but please mom don't show dad . I'm not that brave my love and with that thay parted . The malfoys going to face lunas fate . And Hermione andd ginny trying to figure out how to tell draco who she is the boy she told her parents she'd stay away from and is now in love with and pansy trying to figure out how she was going to hide the body of Ron Weasley that  was in her school trunk and explaine why she killed him without permission. 

Stay tuned xxx rated comeing up soon.

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