the next day time to play

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As she woke Hermione was so happy she dreamed of draco . Ginny was was just standing beside her bed looking down at her shaking her head and tapping her foot with a look her mum would be proud of. What . Some big scary dark lady we have . Hermione was now getting mad. What do you mean im plenty scary and I'm tough so don't get out of line im the mistress here not you . Oh ya so scary all gaga over a boy . What was it you said in your sleep oh draco but before she could finish what she was going to say she got a pillow to the face .and that's all it took two very powerful witchs rolling on the floor fighting like muggles. All you could hear was ginny saying things like self titled spoiled Bratt. And Hermione saying things like . I could have you killed for saying that you red headed twat. Just then Harry came in to see what all the noise was and he he stood there looking at two girls half naked in there night things wrestling on the floor just then he said is eavryone ok in hear .thats when thay stopped and remembered what thay were wearing and yelled get out you four eyed pervert. At the he ran from the room confused and rather happy with what he saw hey he's a guy . He ran into Ron and tbay went to breakfast.  Meanwhile with the girls thay stopped fighting and were laughing not knowing why but thay seemed to both realize thAy had just become real friends.  Ginny im sorry I just really like him and I have this mission and the ball . And I'm liking to the man I love for a good reason but it's still wrong. I know but just see were this goes  I already have some of your mission done im going to get my family to the ball and after the ministry mission we will win and avoid a war we win and you get to spend time with drac and take all the credit.  Really . Ya I have spys of my own . Your mum knows tho . Wow ok let's go we can't be late for breakfast we need to make Harry think I like him to get him under our thumb my dark mistress.  Lol ok .

What thay wear.


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