frist days are fun

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As Hermione awoke she sat up and looked around. she was sad she already missed her room and yet she knew she had to do this . So she got dressed and the put up her hair and did her makeup. Put on her robes and went to meet Harry for breakfast and Ron as usual was arguing with his sister ginny.
Ginny still had to prove herself to Hermione but we will see. As she was talking to luna she looked up to see a group guys looking at them . And she saw pansy running up. were have you been why there's a problem we need to talk later send me an owl .ok Hermione why are you talking to a snake . She had forgotten Potter was behind her with Ron. I'm just telling her were the bathroom is .oh oknow you have let me handle this get lost snake . How dare you Potter talk to her that way it was daz he came to pansys aid . And Hermione thought it was cute.  Just keep your trash at your table. Oh no Hermione knew all too well this was bad .so she decided to break it up by saying I love to stay but I have to be in the library soon a new book just came in it might help me with snape I here he is a tough professor. He's a git said Ron through  a face full of food. Hey thats my dad too bad he couldn't fix that pug face and attitude. Hermione was scared Potter had created a death with pansy. So she took him by the hand and ran out the hall if pansy got to him frist dad would kill her . But her glamor was ugly . To be honest but she had a big heart . As she and Potter left the hall  hand in hand she noticed draco being held back and mad about something  maybe Ron she will ask luna later . You can drop my hand please. You know you kinda hot . Now it was well know Potter would sleep with anyone her liked how his scar got him whatever he wanted .and right she felt sick. Ya well you keep your wand in your pocket or ill use mine . Ok understood.  Then why drag away from breakfast. I was saving your life idiot. Hey I thought we were friends we are thats why I couldn't let her kill you. Oh ok well I will see you later in class I got a date with twins . Oh gross .as she walked to the library she felt like she was being followed. But  ignored
It. Its a dark long hallway of course your on edge.  She enterd the library and took time to find a book it was a dark arts book . As she was about to leave she bumped into draco there eyes met and she felt sparks were his hands were holding her.  She backed away and was ready to leave when he said can I ask a favor or two.  well I'm not allowed to talk to you my mum said you were a player . I see well frist um I'm not thats my friend blaze. I used to like taking credit to look good. But now thats kinda backfired on me . Ya I guess. So can I ask. Ok shoot whats your name Hermione
Can dance . What well there's a ball for Halloween and I don't want to go and look stupid. She thought do I really wanna have fun and hang out with the guy I can't get out of my head behind dads back .and juggling Potter at the same time. She knew this was trouble but hey she was a riddle why not. Draco asked well ok let's start tonight meet me at 1am in the ror got it .ya thanks . Oh and don't hold hands with boys your not dating looks bad. With that thay split up and went to class. As she enterd calls snape asked why she was late she flashed him her ring and he went pale and started the lesson. She sat with Ron the only seat left shocker no one wants to sit with him Potter was at a table and had a twin on each side his hands under the table ewwww.  Hermione..
Yes Ron. I was thinking  that's new what you say oh I said that spell on the bord on how to make a love potion is new to me mum right ok well do you think luna would got out with me . I thought you were dating lavender. Ya but she's gone missing so time to move on. Pig huh look you have to use pigs heart oh ya right well why not ask her to the hallow ween ball. Ya thinks its next month.  Plenty of time to charm her. Heyy look what I can do lolol.

With a flick of his wand the room was silent with a few giggling spaces

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With a flick of his wand the room was silent with a few giggling spaces. Class im trying to teach here so please explain what is so funny. Ummm   pansy couldn't say anything. His wife aka the fake headmistress walked in to as for Hermione her father wanted a word by floo. Hermione sweetheart please come with me I have a task for you. Ok and just before she closed the door she said and Severus fix your hair you look like a idiot. As thay walked down the hall to her office thay could hear hin yelling .

What she looks like today.

What she looks like today

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As thay entered the room her dads smiled out the floo

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As thay entered the room her dads smiled out the floo . Heyy dad i miss you and mum I got Potter in line almost but all is well we love you and have faith in you .now promise daddy you won't get you know your temper love. What did you do . Umm miss snape ran out she knows a storm was going hit when he told her . We'll I sorta sorta what . Ok here it gose.....

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