Does she know everything?

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*Short chapter today sorry*

Kylies POV

"Shit my mom's home!" I say quickly pushing Lexi off of me and grabbing my clothes. I quickly put them on before tossing Lexi her shirt. She gets off the bed and looks at me.
"What must I do?" She says and I frantically try and fix my hair.
"I don't know but you mustn't let my mom see you!" I say and she frowns.
"What why your mom loves me?" she asks.
"I know my mom loves you but if she sees you here without Caitlin she will start asking questions and I'm starting to run out of excuses" I say walking over to her and holding her face in my hands.

"Fine but I want a goodbye kiss" she says smiling at me. I shake my head and pull her in for a kiss. She wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me close to her. I kiss her softly but she starts to kiss me roughly.
"Hmm baby you're going to be the death of me" I mumble and she chuckles giving me another kiss before slowly guiding me to the wall and slamming me into it.

"Kylie, Caitlin, anyone home?!" I hear my mom shout. Lexi and pull away and I smile at her.
"baby we have to get you out of here" I say and she smiles at me giving me a quick kiss. We both walk out of my room and I lean over the railing.
"I'm home mom!" I shout.
"Oh good darling come downstairs and help me unpack the groceries!" she shouts back and I look over at Lexi. We both quietly walk downstairs and I point to the main door and Lexi nods her head.

I wave at her and she waves back at me. I walk into the kitchen and smile at my mom.
"Hey mom"
"Hi darling, how was your day?" She asks me as I start helping her unpack the groceries.
"Yeah it was good, how was yours?"
"It was lovely" my mom starts talking about her day as I smile to myself.
"Kylie!" I snap out of my thoughts and look over at my mom.

"Yes?" I ask.
"Where's your sister?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know probably out" I say and my mom sighs.
"Your father and I need to have a conversation with your sister" my mom says and I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh about what?"
"Don't worry about it darling" my mom says. Just then Kylie walks in throwing her backpack on the ground. 
"Hi" she says walking past me and opening the fridge door. She takes out a juice before walking off again.

"Caitlin" my mom says and Caitlin turns around and looks at our mom.
"Where were you?" My mom asks.
"I was with Lexi" she says and my mom nods her head. Hmm so Caitlins using Lexi as a cover up story, I wonder where she really was.
"Alright" my mom says and Caitlin looks at me for a second. 
"Is that all?" She asks.
"One more thing your father and I want to have a conversation with you when he gets home"
"Okay" she says before walking off.

* * *

Lexi POV

I put on my cheerleading top on before adjusting my skirt. Cheerleading practice is back on now because rugby is starting up again. I knew that I wanted to quit but I'm sticking it out this season for the girls. I know they will be disappointed and hurt if I leave and I don't want to hurt them. We all have become quite good friends. I was alone in the locker room for once but the smell of girls perfume was still strong in the air. I hear the locker room door open and close but I continue to just get ready.

I hear footsteps coming up behind me before they stop.
"Lexi" I stop what I'm doing when I realise it's Caitlin. I turn around and look at her.
"Hey Caitlin what's up?" I ask her before turning back around and putting my other clothes in my locker.
"I know what you did" she says and I look at her for a second before looking back at my locker.
"And what is that?" I ask closing my locker and looking at her.

She smiles and chuckles lowly before moving closer to me.
"I know you sexual assaulted my sister" she says and I just stare at her in disbelief.
"Do you really think I would lay a hand on K without her permission?" I ask her.
"I wouldn't put it past you" she says and I clench my jaw.
"I would never touch her without her permission. Ever" I say to her.
"I don't have proof that you did what you did but I will" she says smiling at me.

"Listen to me Caitlin and listen to me very carefully" I say going even closer to her until I was in her face.
"I would never sexual assault Kylie. Get that in your thick skull" I say and she looks up at me.
"You know she's under age" she says and I say nothing. She laughs.
"Looks even worse for you, doesn't it?" She says.
"Look you manipulating my underage sister and making her do things to you is just sick, making her trust you just so you can use her" she says.
"I wouldn't fucking do that!" I shout at her before slamming my fist into the locker behind her.

I look at my fist on the locker seeing that I've made a dent. My knuckles were stinging but I just clench my jaw.
"Does she know about that?" She asks and I slowly look at her.
"Does she know everything about you...or only the pieces you are telling her?" She says. She shakes her head. The locker room door opens and close and I hear girls voices and I remove my fist from the locker and put my arms each side of me. She smiles at me and grabs my chin between her fingers.

"Should of slept with a different hoe, things would of been easier wouldn't they?" she says before letting go of me and walking off. I watch her go clenching my fists as girls start coming in.

My sisters best friend (PART ONE) Where stories live. Discover now