I have to tell you something

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Kylie POV

I move an inch closer to the door.
"she's so dumb too, I heard she is failing her classes" Addison says and I frown.
"also you know how all those rumours about her and how she is has had sex?" Caitlin says.
"yeah?" Addison says.
"they aren't true, she probably lied about her first kiss too" they both laugh and my blood starts to boil.
"watch her die alone" Caitlin says.
"oh also its so cool how you have been ditching her for me" Addison says.

"like I'd want to hang out with her" Caitlin says and I clench my fist.
"she never wants to go out and party, she's such a loser" Caitlin says. They both laugh again. I suddenly couldn't take anymore of it. I will not have them talk about my girlfriend like that. I open the door with a bang and they both turn their heads to look at me.
"jeez kylie, knock much?!" Caitlin says and I glare at her.
"aren't you supposed to be studying?" I say.

"when did it become your business of what I'm doing?" she says and Addison giggles.
"Mom wouldn't like that you are lying to her" I say.
"who gives a shit about what mom thinks?" she says while rolling her eyes.
"I'll go wake up mom and tell her what you are doing and the fact that you snuck out last week" I say and she glares at me.
"how did you know we snuck out last week?" she says and I cross my arms.

"I'm not dumb Caitlin I saw you sneak out, now either Addison leaves or I tell mom. Choose. Now" I say.
"like mom would believe you" she says and I smirk.
"who do you think mom trusts more. The girl who sneaks out and gets drunk or me the well-behaved daughter with an adorable smile?" I say and Caitlin looks away from me.
"your such an ass" she says and I laugh.

"don't act like a saint Caitlin because if anyone knows your true colours it's me, your sister" I say and she looks back at me.
"I think it's better if I leave" Addison says getting up and grabbing her stuff.
"I'll see you tomorrow" Caitlin says and Addison walks past me.
"happy now?" Caitlin says and I look at her. I stare at her for a moment longer before I turn around and walk back to my room. I shut my door closed before running my hands through my hair and closing my eyes. Now I have to decide if I should tell Lexi about what I just heard or keep it to myself. My phone pings in my bag and I pick it up and take it out.

"goodnight beautiful, ill see you tomorrow"
I smile at Lexi's text and text her back before throwing my phone on my bed. She's such a good person and has been through so much she doesn't deserve someone as horrible as my sister but, that's not my decision.


Weeks went by and I still haven't told Lexi about the conversation I heard between Addison and Caitlin. Caitlin still acted as if nothing was wrong and she hadn't said all those awful things about Lexi. She still continued to ditch Lexi all the time and eventually Lexi visits to the house were only a few. Lexi would still pick us up in the mornings and take us to school but after school Caitlin would go with Addison and Lexi would take me home or we would go do something together but if I got picked up by Megan's parents or I had things to do and couldn't wait for Lexi then I wouldn't see her.

I missed seeing her around the house. Lexi was often busy with her art and I always loved watching her draw. The way her hands would move so skilfully was beautiful. She had so much passion in her work and I was so proud of her. My mom ungrounded me because I've been doing very well in school and I've been on my best behaviour and now Lexi and I could hang out for longer. Caitlin on the other hand was still grounded and she was very pissed when she found out that I was ungrounded.

I head downstairs after deciding that I will go over to Lexi's house after all it's the weekend. Just as I was about to open the door, I hear my mom call my name.
"yes mom?" I say turning around to see my mom wiping her hands with a rag.
"where are you off to?" she asks.
"I'm going over to Megan's" I say and she smiles.

"alright than don't stay out to long" she says and I smile.
"I'll be back before 6" I say before opening the door and walking out. I grab my bike that was leaning against the wall. I hop on and start peddling. It didn't take me long to get to Lexi's house and she was already outside working on her motorbike. She lifts her head up and smiles when she sees me. She was wearing a tank top that had risen to show off her toned stomach and she had black shorts on. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she had a bit of black grease on her face and all over her hands. I hop off my bike and put it down on the grass before walking up to her.

"hey baby, I wasn't expecting you today?" she says smiling at me.
"yeah I thought I'd come visit you, I'm not disturbing you am I?" I ask and she chuckles.
"you would never disturb me baby, I'm always happy to see you" she says and my smile grows. I take a seat next to her and peck her on the lips.
"what you working on?" I ask her as she screws a bolt on the engine.

"oh, it's just making funny noises when I ride it so I thought I'd fix it and fix up a few other things" she says and I nod my head and watch as she works away at her bike. She turns her head to look at me and our eyes lock. I smile again and she sighs happily.
"I love your smile, it's so beautiful" she says and I blush.
"I always smile when I'm around you" I say.

"good because I never not want to see you not smiling" she says I bite my bottom lip. She smirks and moves her face closer to me.
"and you are so sexy when you bite your lip like that" she whispers to me and my breath catches. She chuckles before turning her head to go back to what she was doing.
"don't tease me" I say shoving her slightly with my hand and she laughs.

"alright I think I'm done for now how about you give her a try?" she asks me and I nod my head. We both stand up and she wipes her hand on a cloth while I hop onto her bike.
"okay turn the key" she says and I turn the key.
"squeeze the clutch lever with your left hand all the way to the grip" she says and I look at her. She laughs before taking my hand and putting it on the clutch and moving my hand to do what she said. She leans her right hand on the motorbikes seat right behind me.

"now press the start button with your right hand" I do what she says and the engine roars to life.
"would you listen to that, it sounds good as new" she says and I turn my head to look at her. She smiles at me and I smile back.
"good job baby girl" she says and leans in to kiss me and I kiss her back.
"I like it when you call me baby girl" I say breaking the kiss to mumble against her lips.

"good to know" she mumbles back and I kiss her again but with more passion. We break apart a moment later.
"let me go clean myself up" she says and I nod my head and she turns off the motorcycle before we both walk inside.
"is your mom home?" I ask.
"no, she went shopping" she says and I nod my head. We walk into the kitchen and she washes her hands. She turns around to look at me and I giggle at the fact that she still had some grease on her face.

"am I funny?" she says and I giggle more. She kisses all around my face and I laugh before lightly pushing her away.
"let me clean your face" I say wetting a rag and taking a seat on the counter. She goes in between my legs and I take her chin in my fingers before gently wiping away at the grease on her face. She watches me the whole time, but I keep my focus on what I was doing. When I was finished I put the rag down next to us and look back at her. She rests her hands on my thighs and I put my hands on her face. She leans in and our lips meet in a sweet kiss before the energy changes and our kiss becomes more desperate. She licks my bottom lip and I gasp and she slips her tongue into my mouth.

The feeling of her tongue moving against mine was addicting and thrilling. Her hands go up and down my thighs as I move my hands to the back of her and touch the skin that was exposed from her tank top riding up. Her skin was so warm against my cool fingertips. She moves her hands to the back of me and gentle cups my ass which takes me by surprise, but I arch my back more into her and kiss her harder. She gives my ass a firm squeeze and I let out a small moan which took me even more by surprise. I've never moaned before. She stops kissing me and kisses my jaw before kissing my neck which makes me throw my head back as my eyes close and I pull her closer to me.

The feeling of her lips against my neck sent me to heaven. She sucks on my pulse point and I let out another moan and she squeeze my ass a little harder. That's when everything comes back to me. I have to tell her.
"wait" I say pushing her slightly. She immediately stops and looks at me.
"I'm sorry are we moving too fast?" she asks and I shake my head.

"no" I say and she frowns.
"then what's wrong baby?" she asks and I look down.
"I have to tell you something"

My sisters best friend (PART ONE) Where stories live. Discover now