Shes coming with

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Kylie POV

school went by slowly as usually. Caitlin and Lexi talked away in the car as I watched from the back. Lexi of course was  driving caitlin is still 17 and Lexi has a driver licence. She was actually really good at driving, she never went to fast nor to slow just in the middle.

We arrived at my house and I hoped out fast grabbing my backpack. 
"Thanks for the ride Lexi" I say
"No problem babe" I freeze and swallow hard before running into my house and up the stairs.
"Hello darling!" I hear my mom scream which makes me groan and throw my bag down. I walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen. There stood my mom, Caitlin and Lexi.

Lexi gave me her biggest smile and I couldn't help but return it.
"Hi mom" I say. My mom turns around and opens her arms to me. I walk to her and hug her.
"How was your day my angel?"
"It was alright"
"Did you get your history test back?" I shake my head.
"He still needs one more person to write before he can hand them out"

"Oh okay then" I smile looking back at Lexi for a split second but she was to busy talking to caitlin to notice me.
"I can't wait now that you're coming" Caitlin says happily and I raise one eyebrow.
"Wait what, what is she coming with for?" I turn to my mom who smiles and drinks her tea.
"She's coming on holiday with us, to the beach" oh no if Lexi comes with us then that means I'll be seeing more of her than I have already and that doesn't help when you have feelings for her.

"Isn't that lovely Kylie?" I swallow hard and that's when I met Lexi's eyes. I know I've said this a million times but Lexi's eyes are beautiful.
"Yeah it's lovely" I say.
"And to make it even better when caitlin goes to the doctor for the Saturday Lexi will keep you company" no no no no no. I can't be alone with Lexi for a whole day.

It's only for the long weekend I tell myself as I excuse myself from them. Lexi and Caitlin talked away but I couldn't help but notice Lexi watching me as I walked away and that made my heart flutter. There's no getting out of this. The holiday and my feelings.


"Megan I'm unsure, should I pack the red or the white dress?" I say to Megan on the phone. I'm busy doing the last of my packing before we leave in a hour. The whole week went extremely fast but that's probably because I was dreading the holiday.
"Go for the white one, you always looked good in white" I grab my white one and put it in my bag.
"Thanks megs I think I'm good for now"
"Oh alright, I'll talk to you soon?"
"Definitely" I look around my room and see that I only need to back a few more things.

"Bye megs I love you"
"Bye sweetheart I love you more" I laugh before ending the call. I throw my phone on the bed and finish up. Before I knew it I was in the car on the way to the airport with Lexi and the rest of my family. Lexi and Caitlin talked like always and I just kept quiet. I had a lot on my mind and I just didn't want to talk to anyone.

Let me just get one thing straight avoiding Lexi is going to be very different especially when you were forced to sit next to her for the next 4 hours on an airplane with not that much space. I kinda want to just jump out the plane and hope for the best.
"Kylie you okay?" I jump at Lexi's voice and turn to look at her

"Yeah I'm fine" I say smiling looking directly at her hazel mixed eyes. I suddenly realise that my face was not that far from hers. I shift in my seat trying to get some distance between us but there really isn't much. I decided to just listen to some music and drown any thoughts.


We arrived after a very long and tiring four hour. As we zoomed through the familiar houses, cyclists were out for a late ride and people were walking with there dogs, couples were holding hands and smiling to each other as they walked. The sweetest was a very old couple that was holding hands and staring out at the dam the way they were looking at each other you could see that they were so in love. It was quite amazing that two people can be in love for so long.

"It's very nice here" I hear Lexi voice by my ear and it sends a shiver down my spine. I slowly turn around blue meeting hazel and I immediately blush. I smile and nod my head.
"It is"
"You guys come here often don't you?" She smirks and I look over her shoulder to see my sister fast asleep with her face squished against the window.

I look back at Lexi
"Yeah we do smartass" she laughs and leans back in her seat. My mom turns around in the front seat and looks at me.
"You still awake back there lovelies?" Lexi looks at caitlin.
"Caity is fast asleep for the first time in forever, usually she has so much energy" immediately after Lexi saying that Caitlin sits up and wipes the drool away from her face.

"No I'm not, I'm awake" Lexi shakes her head as my mom laughs.
"I thought so" my mom looks at me her smile disappearing.
"Are you alright, your face is all red?" I blush harder and look down at my intwine fingers.
"I'm okay" I say softly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm fine!" I say getting irritated with her even though I didn't mean it.

"Don't shout Kylie I was just asking if you were alright"
"But I said I'm okay" that's when I feel Lexi hand on my thigh. She gives it a squeeze which makes me look at her. She mouths 'it's okay' and I breath in and out.
"Sorry" I say and my mom looked surprised. Lexi smiled at me and removed her hand from my thigh and I immediately missed her touch.

Agh why can't I just stop thinking like this?!
I turned my body and looked out at the window as Caitlin started laughing at something Lexi said. This holiday is going to be the longest and most frustrating one ever.

Sorry for all the jumping around but I hope you enjoyed

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