Forget about my sister

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Kylie POV

So my mom killed Caitlin and I two nights ago.

She was so mad at us and how we could be so irresponsible by going to a club under age especially me. I'm grounded for 1 month and Caitlin is grounded for 3 months because she brought me with her. That also means Caitlin can't go to that huge sleepover hazel is having next week. Hazel is one of Lexi's and Caitlin's best friends, so Caitlin was extremely mad that she can't now go.

To be fair I didn't really care that I was grounded I was to busy dreaming about Lexi. I can't believe we kissed properly and I can't believe that she even likes me back!

I stare up at my ceiling smiling like an idiot when I hear someone knock on my door.
"Come in" I say sitting up. My mom pocked her head into my room and smiled because I was smiling.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" She says a little confused.
"I'm just happy"
"Even though I grounded you?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah I guess" I say and she tilts her head to the side.
"You're different my child, now come down for breakfast"
"Ok" I say jumping off my bed and following her out my room. We head down the stairs and go towards the table where Caitlin and my dad were already sitting.

Caitlin looked pissed as hell and my dad still had his calm attitude like always. My mom and I both sat down as we all dished up and began to eat. It was really quiet and Caitlin barley even touched her food.
"Caitlin eat you have school today" she slowly looked up at our mom and glared at her.
"Why do I have to be grounded for so long?"
"Caitlin we have already decided-"
"I don't care, why does Kylie get 1 month and I get 3!" She shouts.

"Caitlin do not shout!" My dad says as Caitlin throws herself back on her chair.
"You get 3 months because you were the one that took Kylie with you and for that you get 3 months. Not to mention the fact that you got drunk and are under age" Caitlin shakes her head.
"Kylies under age as well"
"Enough" we all went quiet as I took a long sip of my water.

"Oh dammit I have to get to work earlier" my dad says looking at his phone. He gets up taking one more bite of his toast before grabbing his business jacket. He kisses my mom and waves at Caitlin and I.
"Bye dad have a nice day" I say and he smiles.
"Aren't you taking us?" Caitlin asks as I look back at her.

"No sorry kiddo I think Lexi's picking you guys up" my heart leaped hearing Lexi's name. Caitlin froze clenching her jaw but past the anger you could see she was upset. Caitlin doesn't want to admit this but she was really hurt about her fight with Lexi and I don't blame her.

Lexi doesn't get mad often neither does she call Caitlin out on her shit. Lexi's always been the calm, understanding one. The type of person you go to when you really need to talk to someone. The door bell rings letting everyone know that Lexi hade arrived.

"I'll get it" I say getting up and walking towards the main door. There was Lexi leaning against the wall with her black leather jacket and her metallic shirt on. She wore black ripped jeans with her usual Nike Air Forces.
"Hey beautiful" she says smirking and I smile at her.
"Hi" I say and look behind me before walking towards her and she smiles and I put my hands on her face and she puts her hands on my hips. She leans down and kisses me on my lips and I smile and kiss her back hard.

We pull apart a moment later.
"KYLIE!" I hear my mom shout and I quickly move away from Lexi.
"Yes mom!" I shout and my mom walks around the corner.
"Don't forget your lunch" my mom say and smiles when she sees Lexi.
"Good morning ma'am" Lexi says and my mom shakes her head.
"Lexi you know you can call me Emily" my mom says and hugs Lexi.

"I know" she says and looks at me.
"I want to thank you again for rescuing my babies and making sure that they got home safe. Are you sure your mom didn't mind that they stayed at your place?" My mom asks and Lexi shakes her head and puts her hands in her pocket.
"No she didn't mind. I had it all under control so she was cool with it" my mom sighs.
"Your mom must be so proud of how big and brave you have become" my mom says and puts a hand on Lexi shoulder.

My sisters best friend (PART ONE) Where stories live. Discover now