The morning after

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Kylie POV

I slowly open my eyes to the sunlight that was coming through the open curtain. I roll over and snuggle closer to the person in the bed. That's when I pick my head up and see Lexi sound asleep. Oh my god last night wasn't a dream!

I sit up quickly and Lexi stirs in her sleep. I rub my hand on my face and look at her again. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful.
"Don't look at me when I'm sleeping, it's creepy" I nearly fell off the bed at her voice. She opens her eyes and gives me a warm smile.

She sticks her tongue out at me and I shake my head.
"Don't do that" I say lightly smacking her on her arm. She giggles before sitting up. Our eyes meet and I feel my whole body relax at her gentle expression.
"Lexi?" I say back and her smile grows more.

"What are we?" My heart starts beating faster.
"I didn't know there was a we?" She tilts her head to the side. That same smile still on her face.
"Do you want there to be?" I must still be dreaming, no way is this real. I look away from her and frown. I need to wake up and face the real world. This can't be-

"Kylie?" I look back at her. She had a worried look on her face but her eyes told me that it was okay.
"I don't know if this is real?" I say honestly. She smiles again and she runs her fingers on my jaw line.
"This is real Kylie" my heart was raising so bad that I swear she could hear it.
"Prove it" I say still in disbelief. She looks down at my lips and I freeze. She moves closer to me.

"Okay" she says and that's when her lips met mine. It was so soft and amazing that I melted into the kiss. I kissed her back wrapping my arms around her neck. She pulls me onto her lap and wraps her arms around my waist. We continue to kiss sweetly. It wasn't rushed it was just so perfect. I kinda got lost as all you could hear was our lips moving together.

Finally we pull away for air and I lean my forehead against hers.
"Wow" she says and I laugh.
"Yeah wow" I say and she smiles at me.
"Do you believe now?" I nod my head and close my eyes as she holds me tight.
"My head hurts" Lexi laughs and moves me off of her.
"That's cause you got drunk last night princess" she moves off the bed.

She grabs her water and a tablet. She hands it to me and I take it. Damn my head was so sore, never again.
"Also..." she says and I look back at her. Her arms were crossed and she kinda looked mad. I swallow hard.
"Why would you get drunk, you're 16 Kylie" I hold my head down low.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?" I don't look at her.

She gently grabs my chin and pulls my head up to look at her eyes.
"It was mainly Caitlin's fault" I blurt out and she raises an eyebrow at me.
"And my fault" I say and she smirks at me.
"I promise on my life I won't do it again" she smiles at me and pecks me on my lips.
"It's okay baby, I'll just make sure that you don't get drunk again" I blush at the word baby and I look away from her.

"Hey?" She says and look back up at her.
"You're cute when you blush" I hit her on the arm and she laughs.
"You can gladly shower in my bathroom, I'll give you some of my clothes" I nod my head at her and she walks to her cupboard. She takes out a shirt and some sweatpants. I get off the bed and walk up to her. She hands me the clothes and I smile.

"I'm going to go talk to your sister" Lexi says kissing my forehead.
"Don't kill her" I say and she raises an eyebrow.
"Can't promise anything" she winks at me and walks out the room closing the door. I jump up and down and squeal. Oh. My. God. That. Did. Not. Just. Happen!

My head throbs and I groan. I stop jumping and walk to the bathroom with a huge grin on my face.

Lexi POV

I'm going to kill her.

I stomp down the passage way towards the main living area where I see Caitlin still fast asleep. I walk to her and look at her.
"Caitlin get the fuck up" I say shaking her. She stirs and groans before slowly open her eyes.
"What?" She says to me and that's when I start to get mad.

"What, are you serious?!" She covers her ears and I throw my hands up in the air.
"Caitlin can you please explain why you got drunk last night?" I say trying to calm down. Caitlin sits up and stares at me.
"It's my life" I will punch her.
"Caitlin!" I shout not caring if my mom heard me.

"I'm 18 Lexi calm-"
"You aren't 18 you are 17!"
"I turn 18 in a month" she says with the same bitchy attitude. I sigh.
"That's not the point caitlin" she rolls her eyes at me.
"Fine I don't care if you want to ruin your life but please explain to me why Kylie was with you, and why did you let her drink?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"Answer me caitlin, don't test my patience" she looks at me and I give her a serious look.
"I don't know" I clench my jaw.
"She's fucking 16 Caitlin!" Caitlin looks away from me.
"You have to be more responsible than that you are her older sister. You are suppose to keep her away from those things. Why did you take her there?" Caitlin looks down at her hands avoiding my eyes.

"Okay okay" she says taking the blanket off of her.
"Kylie told me that she was really stressed out and Addison and I were going to go out last night anyway, so I told Kylie that she could tag along" I stare at her.
"You went with Addison?" Caitlin nods her head.
"Why didn't tell me that you were going out last night?" She rolls her eyes.

"Because you said you were busy" I look up at the ceiling than back at her.
"If you had asked me last night I would of come with you" she stares up at me. All the anger disappeared and I was actually quite upset that she didn't even offer for me to come with her.
"I didn't know"
"Cause you didn't ask" she try's to say something but just opens and closes her mouth.

"Get yourself presentable I'm taking you and Kylie home" I walk away from her. I walk down the corridor and I look inside my moms room. She was up and was looking at me.
"I'm okay mom, I've got it handled" she takes her glasses off.
"Honey I know you have it handled but-"
"Mom please I don't want to be rude but I just can't do this right now" my mom sighs.

"That girl keeps hurting-"
"Mom" I say firmly and she stops talking and looks away from me.
"I'm sorry" I say closing the door again and walking into my room.
"You alright?" I look up and see Kylie standing there in my over sized band shirt and my grey sweatpants.

I manage to give her a weak smile.
"I'm okay" she opens her arms to me and I hold back all my emotions and hug her. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. I bury my face into her neck as she holds me tight.
"It's okay to not be okay" she whispers to me and squeeze my eyes closed. I eventually pull away from her and she puts her hands on my face.

"Let's take you home" I say and she nods at me. She pulls me in for a kiss I really needed. It was full of passion and care. We both pull away and she moves away from me to grab her stuff. I wait passionately for her when she smiles at me kissing my cheek as she walks out first. I grab my shoes and walk out too.

When we both arrive in the main living room Caitlin sat up quickly and looked at me. She was holding her high heels as she looked at me. I look away putting on my shoes and grabbing my car keys off the counter. Kylie looks at me than back at Caitlin. I shake my head and walk out the house and into the garage.

I open the passengers door for Kylie and she smiles at me before getting in. Caitlin and I make eye contact again but I look away and get into the drivers seat. Caitlin gets in the back and I start the car. I open the garage door and drive out.

The whole car ride no one spoke. I was glad we all didn't I really wasn't in the mood. We pull up in front of there house as the gate opens. I drive in and pull into the drive way. Caitlin opened the door and walked away. I saw Emily standing by there door with her arms crossed in her night gown.

I wave at her and she waves back at me before grabbing Caitlin and pulling her inside.
"I'm so going to die" Kylie says nervously. I giggle and turn to her.
"Probably" she pushes me on my shoulder.
"Shut up" I grab her hand and kiss the top of it.
"You'll be fine" she blushes and looks away.
"Kylie?" I say gently to her as she looks back at me.

"Will go on a date with me?" Her smile grew so big I swear it couldn't fit on her face anymore.
"Yes!" She says hugging me. I laugh and hug her back. She gives me a firm squeeze before letting me go.
"I'll text you" I say and she nods her head.
"Thank you for picking us up last night and for caring for us" I smile at her.

"Anytime" she opens the car door and waves at me as she closes the door. I watch as her adorable butt runs inside her house and that's when I knew I fell hard for her.

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