The invite

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Lexi POV

I stare up at my ceiling not knowing exactly what to do. I've been avoiding Kylie the rest of the week and as much as it hurts me to do it I needed to think. I hear the doorbell ring and I pick my head up. The doorbell continues to ring before I get up and jog down the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shout. I open the door just to see Kylie standing there. I stare at her in shock but she just gives me a smile.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey" I say back.

"I missed you this week" she says and I sigh rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

"Yeah I'm sorry I've just been busy...lost track of time" I say.

"Yeah I figured that you were busy with school and everything so I uhm made you this" she says and gestures to the box she was holding. I look down at the box that had brownies in it.

"Homemade brownies. I thought you would enjoy them" she says and I can't help but smile.

I gentle take the box from her.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to" I say and she shakes her head.

"I wanted to" she says. We both look at each other before she runs a hand through her hair.

"So uhm I should be going home" she says half turning around.

"Kylie" I say and she stops and looks at me.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to this club with me?" I ask her.

"A club?"

"Yeah it's a clubhouse, I'm going there this weekend if you would like to join me?" She smiles at me.

"Yeah that would be really nice I just have to check with my mom first" she says and I nod my head.

"You can let me know by Friday" I say. We continue to stare at each other.

"Okay I got to go" she says.

"Wait just..." I say and I move closer to her and gently kiss her forehead.

"Thank you again for the brownies" I say and she blushes.

"Bye Lex" she says and I wave at her as she walks off and down the street. I walk back inside and close the door heading to the kitchen. I see my mom standing there. I put the box down on the counter.

"Did Kylie bake those?" She asks and I nod my head staring at the box.

"That's sweet of her" she says.

"I invited her to the club this weekend" I suddenly say. My mom was quiet for a long time.

"Does she know?" She asks me.

"No" I say. I hear her sigh but continue to look at the box.

"You will have to tell her" my mom says and I stay quiet.

"If you want to continue your relationship with her you will have to tell her what happened that year otherwise-"

"Please mom stop!" I shout at her, interrupting her. I breathe in and out and close my eyes before looking at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout" I say and she looks at me with unreadable eyes.

My mom walks past me.

"My dear I know you want to forget the past but I'm afraid you can't run from it this time" she says before walking up the stairs. I watch her go clenching my jaw. I look back down and at my hand, my knuckles were red and swollen. I move my fingers breathing deeply at the slight pain. Maybe they are all right.

* * *

Kylie POV

I managed to convince my mom to let me hang out with Lexi this weekend saying it was a "get to know more about my sister's best friend". I was excited to spend this weekend with my girlfriend. I could tell something was up with Lexi and as much as I wanted to know what was bothering her I didn't want to push her. Lexi didn't like talking about her problems she always struggled to and I was not going to push her until she breaks. She will tell me when she is ready.

Caitlin wasn't too pleased when she found out that I was hanging out with Lexi this weekend but I didn't give her a chance to talk to me about it. Finally, the weekend came and I had packed a bag before Lexi arrived knocking on the door. Of course, my sister beat me to the door. Shit.

"Lexi I'm surprised to hear that you are taking my sister out on a vacation?" Caitlin says crossing her arms.

"Don't be jealous I'm not taking your ass" Lexi says smiling and I see Caitlin slightly smile before she goes back to a straight face.

"Don't worry Caitlin it's just two days and it's mainly just to get to know each other more" Lexi says.

"Alright" Caitlin says. I knew that Lexi's charm had worked on Caitlin even after all these years Lexi knew exactly how to wrap Caitlin around her finger.

I could tell that they missed each other even with all the shit that Caitlin did to Lexi there was that connection that never seemed to break. I cleared my throat catching both of their attentions and they both look up at me. Lexi smiles and Caitlin rolls her eyes.

"Hey Lex" I say and she winks at me.

"You're mom here?" Lexi asks and I shake my head as Lexi being the sweetheart she is takes my bag.

"Nope already left, there was an emergency at work or something. She sent you love and hugs" I said and Lexi smiles.

"Alright, have everything K?" Lexi asks and I nod my head not even hiding the fact that I was excited.

"Alright then let's go, and hey Caitlin it was good seeing you" Lexi says and Caitlin's face drops slightly almost as if she was upset that she barely saw Lexi anymore.

" too" she says looking down at the floor.

I sigh and side hug my sister before walking out the door. Lexi puts my bag in the boot of her car before we both hop in and wave at Caitlin before Lexi drives out of the driveway. When we stop at the stop street Lexi leans over and kisses me which takes me by surprise but I kiss her back melting into her lips. She pulls away and smiles at me.

"Hello my love" she says and I giggle.

"Hello" I say and she takes my hand and kisses the top of it before driving again. We were silent for a moment as I look at her.

"Do you miss Caitlin?" I say breaking the silence. She breaths in and out before sighing.

"I wish I didn't I really do but I can't help but miss her even though she's a dick" she says and I smile at her.

"It's alright baby you are allowed to miss her" I say and she nods her head.

She smiles again squeezing my hand.

"Let's just enjoy this weekend" she says and I smile looking out in front of me. I was excited but something felt off like something was going to happen but I pushed the thought away smiling and squeezing my girlfriend's hand back. 

My sisters best friend (PART ONE) Where stories live. Discover now