Tutoring Session #2 (Chapter 44)

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Invited to go with Franz to purchase some items for the picnic lunch, Marlow enjoyed the chance to get him alone.

"Franz, can I ask you something?"


"I feel like you've gotten to know me better, and I was just curious if you think your mom and dad would like me?"

"Why are you asking?"

Dropping her gaze, Marlow giggled and shrugged a shoulder.

Wrapping his arm around Marlow's shoulder, Francesco gave her a squeeze.

"My parents are very loving to anyone who comes into the family. Piero has told them a lot about you, so if they have any reservations, they have said nothing to me. And if they do, I promise we will praise you up and down when Aubrey and I see them. You probably don't see this, but you have been a tremendous change for Piero," he said, a grin flickering across his face. "And for me, too," he added.

"How have I been a change for you?"

"You have given me hope again that my brother could find a great girl. Compared to past girlfriends, you're low maintenance." Seeing a scowl on Marlow's face when her head snapped to look at him, Francesco quickly backpedalled. "I don't mean low maintenance like you don't care about how you look; I mean, you don't need to be entertained all the time. You're super chill, sweet, lovely..."

"And a delight to be near," Marlow interjected.

Throwing his head back, Franz laughed out loud.

"And so humble. I can't stress how often my brother, Gianluca and Ignazio, have dealt with jealous girlfriends who were only into them because they were famous. It is so refreshing to see him with someone..."

"Careful! Don't say it."

"Say what?"

"Someone boring," Marlow said, placing her hands on her hips in mock annoyance.

"No, no."

Hearing Marlow giggle and watching as she danced away, Franz understood why his brother loved this girl.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked, motioning for her to rejoin him.

"Can I stop you?"

"No." Seeing her face light up in amusement as she continued to walk backwards in front of him, he flashed the family smile. "I was just wondering if you are ready for a long-distance relationship?" he asked.

"Ohhh... I think so," Marlow said once again, slipping in beside Piero's brother. "We've been able to make it work so far. Why?"

"When Aubrey had to go home because her visa had run out, we had to do the Skype and email/text thing for six months until she was able to come back again."

"But you got through it, right?"

"We did, but it was really hard, and we almost didn't survive being apart so long."

Marlow got quiet. Though it had not been Franz's intention to put a concern of, would she and Piero feel the same way if touring prevented them from being together for longer periods, he had done just that. Completely caught up in being with each other, they had not addressed the hurdles of maintaining a long-distance relationship. Chewing on the corner of her lip, she did not see Francesco studying her.

"Hey," he said, rubbing her back. "Falling in love is good. Don't let me dissuade you."

Getting a less-than-enthused OK back, Franz grabbed Marlow's hand and repeated, "I mean it. My brother is a great guy, and you are a wonderful woman. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask."

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