Survive or Salvage (Chapter 46)

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Sitting in the front seat as Piero drove off, the tension between them was palpable. The air was thick with unspoken words, and Marlow could no longer bear the suffocating silence.

"Piero, I've made up my mind," she said, her voice devoid of emotion. "I won't be returning to Milan with you tomorrow. I think it's best I leave today and take some time for myself."

Piero was taken aback. "What do you mean? Why are you saying this?"

"I just need space to figure things out. I'll ask my boss to send me an advance on my pay so you won't have to worry about covering my expenses."

"No, Marlow, please... I'm sorry for everything," Piero pleaded.

Keeping her composure, Marlow cut him off. "Piero, I don't want to hear apologies right now. I just want some time alone."

As Piero turned the car onto a winding side road heading up the mountain, Marlow felt a stab of uncertainty. She wasn't sure where they were going, and the decision to get in the car now seemed hasty. It would be a long walk back to the marina if things escalated. However, as Piero parked at a scenic viewpoint, she found solace in being able to see the distant view of the town below.

"Marlow, I am sorry you saw what you did," Piero said, turning to face her, "But it's not what you think."

"Why did you invite me here? Why would you say you loved me when you still had a girlfriend? Did you want to make her jealous? Or maybe you just needed a distraction. Well, I'm telling you now, I refuse to be anybody's distraction."

"She is not my girlfriend."

"The way she gushed about you, she..."

"Wait, you talked to Giulia? When?"

"At the beach the first night we were here."

"What did she say?"

"She said that the two of you were going to get back together."

Grinding his teeth together, Piero emphasized his point by hitting the steering wheel with his fist.

"We are not getting back together!"

"Well, guess what? She sure thinks she is," Marlow shot back, her eyes glaring straight at him. "And the way you two were kissing just now, it looks to me like you feel the same." Unable to stop, she rampaged on. "She asked if I trusted you. I said I did, but maybe I should have listened to her instead of defending you. Maybe she was right. Maybe flirting with women is just a game for Italian men. Why on earth would you want to be in a relationship with someone like me? I should have kept my feelings for you at friendship, but I didn't. I let myself get caught up in the allure of Italy and being with you. So, don't worry, I take full responsibility for making a complete idiot out of myself."

"Why do you assume I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone like you?"

"You encounter beautiful women all the time, and if Giulia is the kind of woman you're attracted to, well, I am nothing like her. And if my lack of wealth makes you feel like a big shot because you can take care of me, I don't need to be taken care of. I've been taking care of myself for a long time."

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Piero exclaimed, gripping her forearm so tightly that she looked down. "I will not let you belittle yourself."

"I am not belittling myself," she snapped, forcefully pulling her forearm from his grasp. "I am simply stating the truth!"

This conversation was hurtling down the mountain like a car with no brakes. Staring out the side window, she was surprised when her seatbelt became unclipped.

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