Final Goodbyes (Chapter 47)

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"Thank you for giving me so many fabulous memories," Marlow said, hugging Nicolo goodbye.

"Marlow, I always remind my children sometimes relationships don't work out, but that does not mean it was not good. Understand?"

Only nodding her head, Marlow swallowed hard and gave a tight-lipped smile.

"When you come back to Italy," he added, handing her a small rectangular card, "you call me, and I will take you out on my boat, free of charge. OK?"

"Thank you."

Taken from Nicolo, Evangelina kissed Marlow's cheeks.

"Addio, cara," she said. Then, speaking in her best broken English, she added, "You are wonderful girl."

Following Aubrey and Francesco down the gangplank, teardrops spilled onto Marlow's cheek. Midway down the pier, she happened to look back over her shoulder. There, standing at the front of the boat, was Piero. Placing a hand over his heart, he slowly waved goodbye before turning around and walking away. Marlow's heartbeat quickened for a split second, and then, it vanished. She loved him. She still did, but nothing could repair what she had done. She had shattered his heart, and that hurt more than any bad relationship ever did.

Standing in front of the open passenger door, Marlow forced herself to smile.

"Francesco, thank you for being such a good friend."

"I'm sorry things didn't end the way you wanted," Franz added, stroking her arms.

"Me too. It's probably better for the both of us this way. Like you said, long-distance relationships are extremely difficult to maintain."

"I wish I had never said anything about that."

"It's OK. You were just looking out for me like the big brother that you are."

Kissing Franz's cheek, Marlow hugged him one last time. "Ciao, Francesco."

"Ciao. Be sure to let Aubrey and me know when you have made it back home. OK?"

"I will. I promise I will."


"You know," Aubrey said, "Now that you've shared with me more about your childhood, I completely understand why you reacted the way you did."

"Do you think I overreacted?" Marlow asked, even though she already knew she had.

Hesitating, Aubrey chewed on her lower lip.

"Knowing Piero as I do, yes. Knowing you as I do now, no."

Marlow glanced over at Aubrey.

"You're no help at all."

"Sorry. What I do know is you were right."

"About what?"

"You are messed up."

Grateful her passenger understood that her comment was not meant to be hurtful but to lighten the mood, Aubrey appreciated that Marlow burst out laughing.

"I am. I totally am." Becoming more melancholic once again, Marlow sighed. "I feel so bad about how I left things."

"I won't lie; he's crushed. However, you two were magic together, and I think in time, he will remember you with fond memories and love." Then, looking at Marlow, Aubrey added, "Just like you will remember him with those same memories and love."

Lost in thought, Marlow stared absentmindedly out the window, seemingly unconvinced.

"You don't believe me? I'll tell you right now, these Barone men are extremely hard to forget."

Laughing, Marlow agreed.


Dropping her bags on the floor, Marlow took a peek out the window. Drawing back the curtain, her room overlooked a charming courtyard filled with vibrant flowers and several fruit trees. Unlike the lavish hotel she had stayed in when she started her holiday, this smaller room felt more familiar, with its single queen bed, small tables, two chairs and a TV perched on a dresser.

"This is nice," she said, grabbing her bag and moving it to one side of the bed.

"Whenever my work brings me to Milan, I stay here. So, did you get to see much of the city when you were here?" Aubrey asked, plopping herself down on the bed.

"No, I was so jet-lagged, we didn't venture too far."

"Well then, let's just walk around a bit, grab some pizza for supper, and tomorrow, I will be your best Milan tour guide ever. I know all the secret places that are just as magnificent or even better than any tourist place. Ready?"

Marlow did not move.

Laughing and wrapping her arm around Marlow's shoulder, Aubrey enthusiastically said, "Come on, girlfriend. Let's make the most of our time until you leave. It's just you and me."


Stepping out of the lobby's glass doors, Marlow and Aubrey merged into the bustling crowd. They were surrounded by a sea of people, each with their own agenda. Some individuals were laden with multiple shopping bags from designer stores, while others strolled leisurely, enjoying their takeaway coffee. And then, there were the couples, hand in hand, lost in their own world of blissful laughter and smiles only for each other.

Not too long ago, that had been her. Going for evening strolls was something she and Piero enjoyed doing, and it didn't matter where they went; if she was with him, she was happy. However, that was then, and the sooner she accepted that the two of them were over, the better off she would be.

"So, do we wanna do some sightseeing first or head right to the nearest pizza place?" Aubrey asked, unaware of Marlow's sombre mood.

Though not overly hungry, Marlow knew it was only a symptom of her aching heart. Recalling Aubrey's earlier comment about being famished, she mustered a smile for her friend.

"I say we grab dinner first."

Seated at an empty patio table, Aubrey tried to keep their conversation afloat. But even with the chattering and noises of the street to fill the void, it was very apparent that Marlow was adding little to it.

"Are you okay?" Aubrey asked finally, shifting in her seat.

To Marlow, the question seemed unnecessary. Given the circumstances, Aubrey knew she was anything but okay. Looking at her friend across the table, a wave of annoyance washed over her. Was Aubrey really one of those people so best to have not experienced heartache that they believed a simple pizza could solve everything?

PITY PARTY FOR ONE, YOUR TABLE IS READY! What was she doing? She had no right to burden her friend with her frustrations and guilt. Giving Aubrey a genuine smile, Marlow answered, "I will be. Thank you so much for sticking by me, and I'm sorry for dragging you and Franz into this."

"Hey, whether you and Piero work things out or not, it won't change our friendship. We'll definitely stay in touch."

So much like Harper and Zoe, Marlow recognized that Aubrey wasn't going to allow her to wallow in guilt for the next 24 hours.

"Good, good," she said, leaving the pity table for one and joining a table for two.

"Le tue pizze," the waitress said, setting two gorgeous pizzas on the table.

Taking her first bite, Marlow moaned in satisfaction. Pizza could fix everything.

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