Intimate Moments (Chapter 43)

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Waking up at his usual time, Piero smiled upon seeing Marlow asleep beside him. Brushing her hair away from her shoulder, he paused when she stirred. Turning half onto her stomach, half onto her side, more of her tattoo was revealed to him. As he hovered his finger just above her back, he followed the dark green vine from the dip of her waist to just below her shoulder. Remembering how happy Marlow looked as she spoke about her foster mother's tattoo, he spotted the name Caroline on the outside edge of a yellow monarch butterfly wing. Curious whether any other names were hidden within the design, he studied each butterfly closer. Sure enough, written along the curve of a purple butterfly's antenna, he found Zoe's name. Searching the blue butterfly, it took a keen eye to see the third name, Arthur. Unfamiliar with this name, he still understood that the man must have been important to her. Drawn to a delicate red rose half hidden by the sheet resting over her hip, a sadness pierced his heart. Forming the centre petals, he read the most important name, Mommy. Overcome, with emotion, Piero lowered his eyes, holding back the wave of sorrow, and at that moment, he made a silent vow to safeguard what the people behind the names had nurtured. Nestling close to his Love, Piero wrapped his arm over her body and gently squeezed her. Kissing her shoulder, he closed his eyes and smiled as she sighed in contentment.

While his body willingly wanted to stay in bed, his mind refused to settle, and his pulse raced. Surely, after last night, she would extend her time with him. If she agreed to stay longer, his first stop would be introducing this remarkable woman to his family and home country, Sicily. Chuckling, he envisioned his blind Nonno flirting with Marlow intentionally making her blush, and his mother, sister, and Nonna falling instantly in love and monopolizing her time.

Unable to sleep, he needed to go for a run. Unintentionally disturbing Marlow, a drowsy voice asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go back to sleep, my Love. It is still very early." Pulling the covers over her, Piero leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I'll be back soon."

Stepping out onto the main deck, Piero inhaled deeply. Docked back at the marina in Camogli, he raised his face to an awakening sky blazed in glorious shades of colour.

"Buongiorno e buona pesca oggi," he said to a passing fishing boat.

Raising a fishing net, a young boy answered, "Buongiorno e grazie."

Scanning what appeared to be a still sleeping village, Piero knew that was not the case. Bakery ovens were already fired up, ready to turn white dough balls into offerings from heaven. Café owners would soon put out their chairs, enticing customers to come in with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Walking down to the pier, knowing Marlow was sleeping soundly in his bed, this would not be a long run.


"Hey," he said, waving to his brother as he walked back up the gangplank, 40-minute later.

"Where'd you go?" Franz asked, peering over the edge of the railing.

"I went for a short run. I had some things I needed to think through."

"Is everything OK?"

Seeing Marlow and Aubrey pop their heads over the railing and wave, Piero locked eyes with Marlow and grinned.

"It's great!"


Stepping into the shower, Piero no longer dreaded the thought that his love might leave soon. Running had given him time to process his wants with what reality might serve. If she wouldn't stay longer, he would just have to put on a brave face and make her departure as easy as he could for her. Confident Aubrey and Franz would say yes, he would bring her back to Italy for their wedding in January. Between then and now, he would come to her. Drying himself off, he heard a knock on the door. Throwing his bathrobe on, he poked his head out the bathroom door.


"Buongiorno," Marlow said, bounding into his room.

"Oh, look at you all pretty in your red dress."

"Thanks, my boyfriend bought it for me." Twirling around, Marlow pulled her shoulder forward and coyly smiled.

"Well, he has good taste."

"That he does," Marlow said, kissing her love. Wiping the corner of her lips with her thumb, Marlow informed Piero of a change in morning plans. "Nicolo has invited all of us to join his family for a picnic.

"Oh, OK. That sounds good."

Turning on his electric razor, Piero stared at himself in the mirror. Smiling at Marlow when she stood beside him, he tipped his head to the side and, with short movements cleaned up his right cheek.

"Do you want to do the left?" he asked, offering his razor.

"Umm I'm afraid I'll mess up," Marlow said, gently deflecting his hand away.

"Don't worry. If it's not even, I'll just shave it all off and start fresh. By this time tomorrow, it will be back. Come on." Leaning against the counter, his back to the mirror, he said, "Go for it."

"Are you sure about this?" Marlow asked, unable to stifle her laugh.

"Yes, I trust you."

Scoffing, Marlow wet her lips and inhaled deeply. Just breathe, she said to herself.

"OK. Whatever you do, don't move, breathe, or do anything."

Grinning, Piero did as he was told.

Neither one spoke a word. Glancing occasionally at her, Piero forced down the urge to chuckle. From her furrowed brow and the pink tip of her tongue, he admired her intense concentration and dedication to doing it right. As a small smiled formed at his lips, he asked, "How's it going, Babe?"

"Shhh, I said don't talk."

Unable to keep his humour contained, Piero chuckled full-out. Then, clearing his throat, when Marlow stepped back and glared at him, he swallowed his laugh and quickly apologized.

"Sorry," he said, raising his chin higher. "Keepa goinga."

While this might have been a stressful event for Marlow, it was an intimate expression of love for him. Staying quiet, he enjoyed the feeling of her fingertips running over his Adam's apple as she checked for stray whiskers.

"I think I'm done," she said proudly, turning Piero's head from side to side.

After checking her work and wiping the facecloth across his neck, Piero nodded and grinned.

"Well done."


Standing in silence, staring at their reflection, Marlow started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Piero asked.

"I don't know. I'm just happy."

Stealing two quick kisses from her, Piero snickered as she ducked away when he went in for a third.

"Piero... I meant what I said last night. I love you."

"Sei il mio bellissimo angelo e ti amo anch'io," Piero said, beaming. "You are my beautiful angel, and I love you, too. Now, unless you want me to go to breakfast naked, you had best go."

"I'm gone," Marlow said, pushing herself away and walking backwards to the door.

Shaking his head, Piero undid his bathrobe belt and laughed as she beelined it for the door.

"We're going to have a great time today! I just know it," she said, closing the door behind her.

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