Miracles Happen to Those Who Wait (Chapter 25)

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Sitting in the car, Marlow waited patiently for Piero, Ignazio, and Gianluca to arrive. It would have been great to have seen a full concert of the boys tonight, but, checking online, it was completely sold out. Not willing to give up so easily, Marlow was determined to ask if she could watch the soundcheck. Of course, it wouldn't be the end of the world if they said no, as she got to have a mini concert every time the guys were in the car. Despite that, it would be better than just the one song she saw them perform at the TV station.

Surprised to see Michele and Barbara following along, Marlow felt disappointment that she could not joke around as freely as she had in the past. Catching Piero's gaze in the rear-view mirror, she held it for a moment before welcoming the others.

The ride to the theatre was filled with business talk. Unable to add anything to the conversation, Marlow focused on driving. Spotting the theatre two blocks ahead, the time had come to ask.

"Michele, I don't usually do this, but do you think it would be OK if I came to the soundcheck?"

"That's probably not a good idea. It's an extremely hectic time, and people are more on edge during soundcheck."

"I'm OK if she comes," Piero said.

"Yeah, me too," Gianluca added.

"It's OK, fellas," Marlow said, "I just thought I'd ask. I'll just hang out at the office until it's time to come back and get you."

"Marlow, I want you to come," Piero again insisted.

She had not intended her simple request to become a big discussion, and she felt an uneasiness fill her body. The last thing she wanted was to cause tension between management and the boys.

"OK," Michele said, "You can come. Just stay out of the way."

"I will and thank you."


Led halfway down the centre aisle by security, Marlow sat in the middle. To her surprise, a group of older women were already seated in the first two rows.

As she observed the unfolding soundcheck, Marlow gained a new appreciation for the intricacies of staging a performance. While Ignazio, Piero, and Gianluca showcased their vocal prowess, numerous individuals buzzed around in front of and behind them, diligently attending to their respective tasks. Every meticulous detail ultimately contributed to the grand finale: the show.

Observing the women engaging with the boys, it became evident they were ardent fans and held the trio in high regard. Always attentive and tender, the boys doted back as if the ladies were their grandmothers, mothers, or aunties. Hopping off the stage, Ignazio shared a warm embrace with an elderly woman as she snuggled in close.

Empathizing with the emotions of these devoted fans, Marlow felt a familiar zing of tingles travel down her spine. The many moments when the boys had serenaded her, never failed to quicken her pulse and instill an unmistakable feeling of elation within her.

Gazing up at the ceiling, Marlow attempted to envision the ambiance of a darkened theatre brimming with Il Volo fans. Having attended a few concerts herself, she knew the electrifying energy that would pervade a venue as everyone eagerly waited for the commencement of the show. Once the lights dimmed, voices would erupt into screams and clapping, and people would jump to their feet. Looking back at the guys, Marlow chuckled at the notion of these grandmas rushing the stage to get close to their favourite person.

All too soon, the twenty-minute soundcheck ended. Spotting Barbara coming towards her, Marlow met her in the aisle.

"All right, that's it," she said. "The guys will be heading to their dressing rooms and prepping for tonight, so you're free to go."

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