Epilogue A Journey Later (Chapter 53)

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Just as Aubrey had hoped, Piero did propose before Marlow and the kids returned home. During a dusk visit to Naro castle, he had pulled her off to the side, and as the resting sun painted the sky in burnt orange, he asked her to marry him.

Walking into the house, Piero called his family to gather in the living room. Sharing their wonderful news, Aubrey's ecstatic reaction and Mama B's warm embrace marked the beginning of a new chapter for the couple.

The dynamics of Piero and Marlow's engagement might have seemed unusual to outsiders, however, for them, it made perfect sense. With Il Volo still engaged in extensive tours and the children facing significant life changes themselves, Piero advised that she and the kids stay where they were for the time being. Initially concerned, Marlow voiced her apprehension.

"Piero, while I understand your reasoning, and it makes sense, I do not want us to make the same mistakes as what happened in your previous marriage."

"I hear you. However, this is different. My ex was often on location whenever I was home. You will be home, and if it is not when you and the kids can come to me, then I will come to you. It will be no different from what we have now," he reassured. "I have every confidence in the world that we will make this work for us as a family, you, me and the kids. Do you believe me?"

Marlow hesitated. While the logistics of moving a family and a career to a whole new country felt daunting, she found comfort in Piero's words.

"Yes, I believe you."


As the first light of morning washed over the Tuscan countryside, Piero quietly slipped out of bed. Putting on the silk bathrobe that had laid crumpled on the floor from the night before, he opened wide the shuttered windows, inviting the fresh morning air of a new day into the room. As his gaze beheld the landscape, a serene smile graced his lips. Yesterday, thirteen years to the day they first laid eyes on each other, the two of them stood facing one another and exchanged their vows.

"Marlow, I stand before you, humbled by the depth of your love. When I first laid eyes on you as you quickly scurried off to get the car, I never thought I would have to work so hard to win the woman of my dreams. My darling, I feel I will never love you more than I do right now, and yet, I know I will love you even more tomorrow and each day after that, for all eternity. You will never have to face the world alone, for I will be your biggest fan."

"Piero," Marlow said, her eyes shimmering with unwavering affection, "for far too long, I resisted the notion of genuine love. And then, by fluke, I met you. You have seen me at my best and worst, and still, chose me. Thank you for making me feel supported, seen and, most importantly, understood. I promise to always fight for you. To love you through both my words AND actions. Recently, I stumbled upon a saying that sums up perfectly how I feel about you— 'Many people may steal your breath away, but you should keep the one who reminds you to breathe.' I know I can count on you to remind me to..."

"Just breathe," he finished her sentence.

"Just breathe. I love you, Piero Barone, and I AM your biggest fan."


"You're up early," Marlow said, greeting Piero with a tender kiss on his shoulder as she hugged him around the middle. Pulled around to face him, she pressed her cheek into his palm as he tenderly stroked her face with his thumb. "Buongiorno, amore mio," she said, raising her lips to his.

Playfully scooped up and carried back to their bed, she giggled as she made herself comfortable beneath him. Looking up at him as he gazed down at her, she surrendered herself to his passion.


Despite the initial impression that time was their adversary, Piero and Marlow eventually realized they were wrong. In its wisdom, time had become their mentor, guiding them through the lessons they needed to learn, providing a sanctuary for hearts to heal and love to grow.

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