The Evolution of Relationships (Chapter 40)

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Waking in the morning to the sensation of moving, Marlow peeked out her window. Sure enough, they were on the move. Climbing out of bed, she got herself ready. Coming up from below, Marlow discovered she was the last to get up.


"Buongiorno," Piero, Aubrey and Francesco all said together.

Sitting beside Piero, Marlow tucked the strands of hair that blew across her face back into her hair elastic. Poured a glass of fresh orange juice and offered some pastry and fruit, she apologized for keeping everyone waiting.

"The sun really did me in yesterday. I think I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow."

"The sun can really drain you," Aubrey said. "It took me a while to get used to it too."

As a typical big brother, Francesco instructed, "Just make sure you wear a hat today and keep well hydrated."

"How's your sunburn? Is it still red?" Piero asked, lightly touching his fingertips to her forearm.

"Nope, it's gone. You can't call me a polar bear now," she said, lifting her watch strap, revealing a defined, golden tan line.

"I know all about turning our pale North American skin into a golden Italian suntan," Aubrey said, chuckling and covering her mouth as she ate.

"So, what surprise is for today?" Marlow asked.

"We're going to go explore the five villages that make up Cinque Terra," Piero said, pulling up a map on his phone. "We'll have Nicolo drop us off at the start of the Via Dell'Amore trail and then continue along the coastline until we decide to stop."


Discovering that the trail was closed, both couples deliberated whether to wait for the next train or find an alternate path. Eager to make the most of their day, all four decided to hoof it over the mountain. The trail, made more accessible by railings and stone stairs, guided them past terraced vineyards and clusters of cacti. Cooled by an appreciative breeze rushing up the side of the mountain, it carried the fragrance of flowers, fruit and the sea.

Upon reaching a vantage point, the group paused to take in the spectacular coastline views.

"Though the lower trail is much easier, this is the reward for all the hard work," Francesco said, removing his hat and wiping his brow.

"I agree," everyone else said.

Like being on a rollercoaster and feeling the anticipation as you climb higher and higher, finally coming over the crest, the group cheered. Added by the downward trajectory, each quickened their pace in anticipation of something cold to drink.

Strolling through the village of Manarola, Marlow felt the pull of its centuries-old heritage. The town's unchanged charm, with its narrow roadways and houses clinging to the cliff edges, evoked a sense of timelessness. Despite the stunning beauty, Marlow couldn't help but wonder, about the practicalities of daily life.

"How do they get the things they bought up to these precarious homes?"

"The residents either carry their purchases themselves or, in some of these smaller villages, they use pack mules," Francesco said.

"But what if it's something too large for a pack mule to carry?"

"Then they build it themselves or simply do without," Piero added.

This glimpse into the resilient and resourceful nature of the village inhabitants left Marlow in awe as she gazed up at the many windows towering above her.

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