So Many Relationships (Chapter 39)

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Returning to town with Francesco, Marlow and Piero explored more of Camogli before heading back to the beach for a bonfire with friends.

Gathered around in a circle, everyone spoke perfect English. However, the conversations began to be spoken in more Italian as the sun descended towards the darkening blue sea, leaving Marlow out altogether. Quietly whispering in Piero's ear and excusing herself, Marlow went off to reflect on her day.

As she settled on the cool sand, she wiggled her toes deeper and delightfully discovered a warm spot. Taking a deep breath, the earthy smell of the sand and decomposing seaweed brought back memories of home. Watching the last rays of sunlight play on the waves and listening to the rhythmic sound of water calmly slipping into shore, coupled with the occasional burst of laughter from those still at the gathering, it had been a fantastic day.

Unaware of the person coming up behind her, Marlow jumped when a woman's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Are you having a good visit?" the woman asked.

Brushing the sand off her hands, Marlow looked up at the long, slender figure of a woman with platinum blond hair. Smiling, she answered, "Yes."

"That's good," said the woman as she sat beside Marlow, her posture remaining upright as she folded her legs to the side. Extending her hand for a shake, she introduced herself. "I'm sorry. You don't even know who I am. My name is Giulia."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Marlow."

"Oh, I am aware of who you are."

Giulia's fake chuckle irritated Marlow, and she said in defence, "I'm sure you don't know everything,"

"I know enough," Giulia replied.

Familiar with working with difficult celebrities, she had learned not to take someone's tone personally. But this woman seemed to be purposely baiting her, and she didn't appreciate her smug persona. Fed up with this intruder, Marlow asked, "Do you have something to tell me? If not, I would appreciate it if you left."

"You Canadians are so polite. Before I go, answer this. How well do you know Piero? Do you trust him?"

"I think I know him fairly well, and yes, I trust him."

"Hmmm. Maybe you need to ask him some better questions. Did he tell you I was his girlfriend?"

Piero had been very forthcoming about past girlfriends, but Marlow never expected to be confronted by one. Try as hard as she could not to give Giulia any ammunition to further attack her, her brow mistakenly furrowed, and she bit down hard on her bottom lip.

"I can tell by your expression that he has. I mean, we were pretty serious, so why wouldn't he?"

Marlow had enough and summoned her inner rebellious youth.

"You seem to have forgotten that the keyword here is, was! Which makes you an... ex-girlfriend.

Both girls locked eyes.

"Let me help you understand something about Italian men. They love to flirt with all kinds of women, but it doesn't mean they are interested. It's just a game for them, and once you're gone, they move on."

"We'll see. Since you seem full of yourself and I don't know you, until Piero proves himself differently, I will choose to believe him over you."

"I could care less who you believe," Giulia said, standing and defiant, purposefully swishing her dress, causing Marlow to turn away to avoid getting sand in her face. "Eventually, Piero will prove himself to you. Aside And let's be real, aside from being an exciting short-term fling, why would he want a poor, working Canadian girl. Let's face it, you don't belong here."

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