Family is Everything (Chapter 52)

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Young love is characterized by powerful feelings and strong desires. It's solely focused on the here and now. On the other hand, mature love encompasses the same emotions, desires and passions but also considers the future and all that it holds.

Refusing to be hyper-focused on the challenges of a long-distance relationship, Marlow and Piero cherished the magic Aubrey had spoken of and brought it back to life.

Taking her children with her to Italy, Marlow finally got the opportunity to meet the rest of Piero's immediate and extended family. Welcomed with open arms, she had another family to cherish and love. Confident with leaving her children for one night in the capable hands of Piero and his brother, she accompanied Mama Barone, his sister Maria Grazia, and Aubrey on a trip to Taormina.

"Be kind to me," Piero jokingly warned his mother, sister and sister-in-law. "It took ten years to get her back. Don't scare her away."

While the three women in his family simply chuckled, Marlow reassured Piero as she embraced him one final time, "You're not going to lose me again."

Piling into the car, with Mama B at the wheel, the other ladies shouted instructions to the children to be good and reminded the men to pay attention to the kids. Held by strong hands or lifted into their father's arms, children and adults waved goodbye as Mama B backed out of the driveway.

Over the years, Marlow had maintained her friendship with Aubrey. With the addition of Piero's and Francesco's mother and sister, a new bond quickly developed between all four women. From a seasoned wife and mother down to a daughter expecting her first baby, the women discussed the realities of being a woman and navigating relationships. In fits of laughter to quiet contemplation, the two-and-a-half-hour journey from Naro to Taormina flew by.


"All right, we're here,"Mama B said, pulling up to the Metropole Maison D'Hotes, a stunning building that boasted a beautiful Mediterranean red exterior and wrought iron gate. 

Stepping out of the air-conditioned car and into the sweltering Sicilian heat, all four women let out a collective moan as they left the porter to retrieve their bags.

Assigned two rooms on the 3rd floor, Aubrey and Marlow took the first room, while Maria Grazia and her mother took the room directly across the hall.

"Wow!" Marlow exclaimed, entering the suite. The room, gorgeously decorated in shades of cream and taupe, featured rich wood furnishings and black marble tile floors. A fabulous deep red leather king headboard and regal armchair created a mood of exquisite luxury. Eager to see the view, Marlow hadn't even reached the balcony door before her jaw dropped open, and an audible gasp escaped her throat. Unable to speak, she stepped onto the balcony and took in the breathtaking site.

Years ago, she had stood on a Milan balcony, captivated by the city's beauty. Now, perched high on the mountain slope, she had a panoramic view of the resort town, its graceful, curved beach and the electric blue Ionian Sea far below. How can one country be so unforgettably beautiful? her brain questioned.

Lost in the mesmerizing scene, she did not hear Aubrey welcoming Mama B and her daughter into the room. Touched on the arm, Marlow jumped.

"Oh, Chiao," she said, a flush darkening her cheeks.

"Are you up for some sightseeing, or shall we just relax and then venture out once it's cooled off?" Mama B asked, smiling.

Marlow hesitated, torn between the allure of the stunning view and the intense heat outside.

"What does everyone else want to do?" she asked.

"I want to go to the baby boutique here," Maria Grazie said. "I saw a bassinet online that I want to see in person."

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