Chapter 38

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--------Zoey's POV--------

I took off after him, I couldn't let him just leave. I had no clue what I was really doing, but I needed him.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, the front door closed. I quickly opened it.

I saw Matt pulling out of the driveway. I couldn't let him leave, not now. Not like this.

I took off through the yard towards him. I could hear the other guys screaming for me to come back inside. But I just ignored them.

I was screaming his name and yelling out how much I cared about him, but he just kept driving. He just kept ignoring me.

I could feel the tears start to fall from my eyes as I stumbled to the ground. I couldn't believe he just left like that.

I could tell that someone had sat down beside me. I felt their arms wrap around me. "It's ok, Zoey. You're ok." I heard Nash's voice. I hugged him back, as I sobbed into his chest.

--------Matt's POV--------

I can't believe I did that. I wanted to stop the car and run to her and tell her I was stupid, but I can't do that to her.

She deserves someone ten times better than me. I can't hold her back like that. I'll never be good enough for her.

That's when I saw a squirrel in the road. I quickly swerved to avoid it and ran off the road.

My car hit something but I didn't know what. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

--------Zoey's POV--------

I laid on the couch watching Netflix with all of the guys. Or at least the ones that were here.

No one had heard anything from Matt, which kinda scared me. Wait... What am I talking about?

Matt couldn't care any less about me. I was so stupid to think he actually did. Anyways, I'll never be good enough for him.

At that moment, Alfie jumped up into my lap. He snuggled into my chest. I could hear him purr softly.

"Perfect timing, Alfie." I whispered to him.

Nash's phone rang and he immediately jumped up off of the couch. I watched him make his way to the kitchen.

Jack G paused the movie so we could hear what was going on. All I heard was Nash cursing under his breath.

After a few minutes, Nash reentered the living room. He cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"So I really don't know how to tell all of you this, but Matt's been in a car accident."


I sat shocked in the backseat of Cameron's truck. I couldn't believe what was going on. Matt was in the hospital and was hurt.

Cameron was driving, Nash was sitting in the passenger seat, Hayes was sitting beside me, and Taylor was sitting on the other side of Hayes.

Jack and Jack were riding with Aaron since he had showed up right on time.

Nash was currently trying to get ahold of Chad. Taylor was calling somebody and Hayes looked just as shocked as me.

Ok, maybe I was a little more shocked.


We pulled up to the hospital and took off inside. We all ran towards the elevator and made our way to Matt's floor.

Once we had existed the elevator we made our way towards the front desk. I walked ahead of everyone so I was the first one there.

There were 4 women sitting at the desk. I decide to approach the one who seemed to be the least busy.

The woman seemed to be in her mid 20s and had blonde curly hair. Her name tag read Mandy. She was typing on her computer and almost didn't notice me.

"Excuse me." I said politely. Mandy looked up at me and smiled. "How can I help you?" She said in a very sweet voice.

"I'm looking for a Matt Espinosa." I said nervously. She began to type on the computer. I noticed that she seemed confused.

"I'm sorry, honey. There isn't a Matt Espinosa here." She said sympathetically. "What?!" I practically screamed.

Nash quickly ran over to me. "Matthew. Matthew Espinosa." He said to Mandy. "Ok." She said a little bit flustered.

I watched her type on the computer and click drift things. "Yes, here he is." Mandy smiled.

"Great." Nash said relieved. "So can we see him?" I asked anxiously. "Sweetie, I don't know how to tell you this." Mandy said, lowering her voice.

"Tell me what?" I said, shaking.

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