Chapter 29

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--------Zoey's POV --------

I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in the hospital waiting room. Hayes was sitting next to me and so was Nash. They both looked worried.

I sat up and looked around the room. Greyson was standing above me and Cameron was beside him.

"What's going on?" I asked. "You were screaming." Hayes said, sounding a little bit scared. "What?" I was so confused.

"You were having a bad dream." Grey explained. "Oh." Was all I could say. I looked around the room for Matt, but he wasn't anywhere insight.

"He went to get something for your mom." Cameron said. I nodded my head. Everyone sat back down, and acted like nothing had happened.

I sat quietly, thinking about what had just happened. I knew it was just a dream, but something about it just felt so......real.

I was lost in my train of thought when the waiting room door opened. We all turned our heads towards the door. Greyson jumped out of seat immediately.

A doctor walked in carrying a clipboard. He had a sympathetic look on his face as he approached us. I grabbed the closest hand to me, Nash,.

"Excuse me, I'm Doctor Barnes." He said sticking out his hand for Greyson to shake. Greyson shook it, and we all waited for him to continue.

"I have been working on your family member, with the assistance of a few others, and I came to talk to you about the condition of the patient." He continued.

My grip tightened on Nash's after every word. I was just waiting for him to say it. I didn't want to hear it, but I knew that it was coming. I could feel the tears start to build up.

"He had major impact and I'm afraid that full recovery, is very unlikely. We ran a few tests and he isn't responding the way that he should."

My grip tightened even more.

"We just ran a few more tests, and are currently waiting for the results to come back."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"If the patient doesn't respond correctly to these, full recovery won't be a possibility, ever."

Another year escaped.

"I'm sorry, truly. We are doing all we can. Your mother is currently being informed about what to expect."

I felt the tears fall quickly from my eyes.

"And what should be expected?" Nash asked.

"Well, considering the results that we already have examined, not well." Doctor Barnes said flipping through his clipboard.

Nash squeezed my hand.

"What do you mean?" Grey asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry." Doctors Barnes said.

"Don't 'I'm sorry' me. My little brother is in there dying!" Grey yelled pointing outside of the waiting room.

Grey caught the attention of everyone else in the room.

"Sir, we are doing everything we can." The doctor said trying to comfort him.

"Then why isn't he here right now?! Why?!" Grey yelled.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A nurse said walking up to us.

Grey rolled his eyes.

I knew at that moment something bad was going to happen. Grey never disrespected anyone, ever.

"Sir, leave now." The nurse said a bit more forceful.

"No! I'm not leaving till my brother is ok." Grey yelled in protest.

"No, you're leaving." The doctor said grabbing his arm.

Grey pulled away quickly.

"Don't touch me."

"Your brother has a serious injury, you need to clam down or leave." The doctor said pointing towards the door.

"Don't tell me what to do." Grey fired back.

The doctor grabbed Grey's arm again, but he pulled away quickly.

"I told you to not touch me!" Grey yelled punching the doctor.

Everyone gasped as the doctor fell over. He was holding his nose and the nurse was helping him up.

The nurse pointed to the door and Grey stomped out. He slammed the door behind him causing an even bigger scene, if that was even possible,.

The doctor removed his hand from his nose and blood was rushing out. He walked out of the room while the nurse mopped up the blood.

Greyson did good.

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