Father's Day

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Hi, this is FangirlWriter. This idea came to me a few days ago because Father's Day is coming up. I have never had the best relationship with my father. So this based on a lot of my feelings and things I think Maddie, Danny, and Jazz would feel. I hope you guys enjoy this and please review! I did an experiment using both 3rd person and 1st person. Do you guys like it and think it works for this story? I don't own Danny Phantom.


Father's Day was coming up and Danny didn't know how to feel about it. I mean he wasn't the worst father in the world and as his mother has said many, many times, "You know your father loves you." Every time he did something wrong. That means nothing when he accidentally puts you in danger 24/7. From hunting him as a ghost to building a bunch of unstable inventions, One that half killed him for Pete's sake!

And he has never apologized or realized it was his fault. And he can't connect with me. I mean after their fishing trip, he found the book and his father couldn't even not put the book for their conversation with him. Do you know what hurt him the most? His father had to read it word for word.

Now it was Father's Day, the day they pretended he was the best man in the world. Well, more than we already do. Mom is tired, we don't do much anymore because she has to clean up everything because he won't slow down or let her do her ideas. He is a narcissist and Mom was in his trap.

How do you give presents to a guy that has hurt you so badly? How do I give a card? I am scared all the time, I never feel safe. Mom isn't enough. I need my father to keep me safe too. "Why did I have to be born into this family?"

Jazz was not looking forward to Father's Day. Her father wasn't that good of a father. He loved her and that was about all she could say about him. He protected me from my ex-boyfriend Johnny (that was gross. I have a problem). Well more accurately he tried but Danny was the one that protected me. That is about all I can say that is good about him.

He doesn't understand me. But I am supposed to think about how he is such a great Dad. He does more work for Mom and barely does anything. So we have an overworked mother and an incompetent father. But somehow they are in love with each other? Is Mom a saint with brainwashing or a sadist who loves heartbreak? Well, I guess mother like daughter.

We have a house that frankly could explode at any moment due to mostly Dad's cockmaney inventions. He just won't follow safety protocols! I think Mom has given up. I don't blame her, he just doesn't care. Wait, maybe he doesn't love her or us. He is a narcissist. I could hurt someone if I hear one more time "You know your father loves you." It doesn't change a damn thing.

"I am so scared. I am safe with my mother. I don't feel safe, I need my father to protect me. Why was I born into this? I feel so alone. I can't live up to some

the fake person that he has in his mind on who I am."

Unbeknownst to them, their mother went through the same pain. She caused the cycle to repeat and she refuses to admit it. She also hates Father's Day. She is also so scared. How can you feel safe when your father nor husband protected you? Maybe Alica had the right idea. The only one that likes it is the Father and the man of the house. Father's Day is a stilted affair for the Fentons. Their rooms are their retreats to hide. Hiding reality is hard. 

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