Jazz and Danny and Thanksgiving Dinner

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I hope you enjoy this story about Jazz and Danny plotting how to make a good Thanksgiving Dinner

Anyway, I have three accounts where I post all of my fanfiction. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, and on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages.

I am also thinking of getting a Tumblr for Fanfiction Updates. What do you guys think?

ALSO please check out if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this. I don't own Danny Phantom or Young Justice and the characters


In the Fenton household, it was chaos. The dreaded day was here, Thanksgiving. The Fenton Kids were not grateful for Thanksgiving. They loved their parents, but their parents tended to make holidays more trouble than they were worth.

Thanksgiving is all about food, and being thankful was one of the worst for the Fentons. The Fenton Parents couldn't cook to save their lives. And the turkey kept coming alive. Jazz and Danny had perfected the art of tackling a turkey.

Jazz would herd it with a broom to Danny. Danny would tackle it and wrestle it into a trash bag. Then it is taped up and brought down to the portal then it gets chucked in the force of the stress of stressful holidays that Danny feels.

And to top it all off, they would always go to a restaurant or get store-bought food.

Danny and Jazz were determined to make this train of events didn't occur this year. They went to the local bakery and bought two pies for Thanksgiving. Then they got up early and cooked the Thanksgiving dinner.

How they got away with it?

The plan was complicated. Step one was to save money for the pies and food. Danny and Jazz both saved up their allowances. Step two was to order the pies. Step three was to plan a Jack-sized and everyone else-sized meal. So they let Maddie plan and buy the food, not cook it. Step three was to drug their parent's dinner at dinner time. Step five was to put them to bed and ensure the alarm was off. Step six was to get up early and, cook all the food and make sure NOTHING ends up in the ecto cooker.

The plan went almost went flawlessly. Jazz and Danny managed to get Turkey into the oven when their parents woke up. So Danny got the Box Ghost out of the thermos and their parents went on a wild ghost chase.

Danny then got out a tracking device, tracked the Box Ghost and his parents, and was ready for when they were done preparing the food. Then Danny would get the Box Ghost. In a few hours, they had finished Danny while invisible flew up to the Box Ghost. He found them and turned on the thermos. Then he rushed home and heard his parents yell.

"I know that was that Ghost Kid! He will pay!"

Danny made it home several minutes before his parents. Which was a feat considering his Dad's driving skills, which was pretty much going at breakneck speed and being a threat to everyone nearby.

Then came storming in, Jazz intercepted them and said: "Mom and Dad, we made the food, including a pound of fudge for Dad."

They looked very grateful and Dad exclaimed "Thank you Jazzernice!"

Jazz glared but said nothing. The kids didn't say it while they were going around the table, but they were super grateful that they didn't have to wrestle the food or eat burned food. Or end up eating at a restaurant best case scenario.


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