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Happy Halloween!

I have many accounts for my stories, Fanfiction.Net under the name DaniMason, Archiveofourown under the name FangirlWriter1!, and Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. I have a Twitter account under the username DaniMason2019 for updates on my stories and more!


Danny loved and hated Halloween. Usually, in his various holiday grievances, his parents were the cause of most of them. Halloween was one of those. When most people think of Halloween they think of scary or cute kid-friendly movies, trick-or-treating and fun costumes. And maybe some supernatural sprinkled in with an Ouija Board.

For Jack and Maddie Fenton, the supernatural was the whole point of Halloween. They were convinced that ghosts were everywhere due to more natural portals opening up due to the Celtic myth that monsters (aka ghosts) crossed over on Halloween. They were not correct. The problem with this was they attacked any ghost they saw.

Even if it had a bedsheet and a jack-o' lantern plastic bucket. Halloween was not fun when Jazz and Danny couldn't go trick-or-treating without their parents. The most eventful Halloween that they had, besides the Fright Knight incident, was when Danny was five and Jazz was seven. Danny went as an astronaut, and Jazz went as a princess doctor. Jack and Maddie went as their selves, eccentric scientists in their get-up of orange and teal hazmat suits.

They were walking down the sidewalk happily with their buckets full of candy. Danny and Jazz felt like they were on top of the world. That feeling lasted until they saw a family walk by with a little child skipping along in his bedsheet ghost costume. The child looked about four years old.

Jack said "GHOST!"

He pulled out his comically huge bazooka while Maddie acted on protecting the kids.

"Danny and Jazz, get behind me!"

"Eat that ghost"

Jack shot the bazooka and knocked the kid off his feet. He started crying loudly. Jack tried to apologize but the parents weren't hearing it. The costume was burning and the mom ripped it off and there was some bleeding. The Dad tackled Jack and punched the living daylight out of him. Danny and Jazz were crying and Maddie was torn between comforting them or helping out Jack.

The people in their houses called 911 franticly. Here are some snippets of that phone call.

"Hello, this is Amity Park Dispatch. What is going on?"

"A parent is beating up Jack Fenton overshooting his kid with a bazooka."

"Oh no. Do you need an ambulance?"

"Probably, the kid is fine for the most part though, I guess the ghost weapons aren't harmful to humans for the most part."

"Oh good, I was worrying. Can anyone break up the fight?"

"Yeah, let me get someone stronger. Wait! Maddie has joined the fight. Better comfort the poor kiddos."

Luckily the police came a minute after Maddie joined the fight. They broke up the fight and reprimanded everyone involved, especially Jack. The Fenton's were whisked off to the hospital along with the child and father. After that, the Fentons were arrested for the night. Jazz and Danny got spoiled at the police station.

This year was going to be a good year for Danny and Jazz. They weren't trick-or-treating due to being 18 and 16 so they were handing out candy. Jack and Maddie were out trying to find ghosts, they hadn't been deterred from their search after many years of fines and arrests. Jazz and Danny elected to use out of sight out of mind when it came to their parents.

They had decided to watch Alien and were enjoying handing out candy to a bunch of cute kids. A lot dressed as Danny Phantom which they both loved. Around 7 they got a call from the police station that their parents were arrested. They decided to leave them there for the night due to the huge bail of $500. Overall it was a lovely Halloween. 

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