Tucker and Incel

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I wrote this because I was watching a video essay about female incels and the changes that the group has gone through, it is by Mina Le. It made me think about this topic. In retrospect, Nathan is a better fit for what I wanted. I might a version of this story with that.

Anyway, I have three accounts where I post all of my fanfiction. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages. I also have a Tumblr account with the username danimason2019.

Also, please check if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this. I don't own or the characters.


Tucker became an incel. It scared his family and friends. He spent all his time eating greasy meat and typing out his woe that he had not been laid. No girl even wanted to go out on a date with him.

The minute he said, "Hey baby, do you want to hang with me and see where this goes?"

"Eww, no."

Tucker complained that he would have a girlfriend if he just looked better and was hotter. Maybe he did have a point, people tend to fall for hot jerks and nice men. There might be some truth to that. The problem is that no one owes you a date, and sometimes the most desirable person that followed all the body trends of the time, but might not get a date if they ask because the other person just didn't want to for whatever reason.

Tucker never learned that though. Somehow he also did not learn that women are not a prize to be won. Women are human.

He would be on Reddit every day in his Mom and Dad's basement while making podcast episodes and videos on Youtube complaining about his inability to find a girlfriend. His life kept going downhill with his obsession with women, and all his perceived failures about women not wanting to sleep with him.

His audacity only became worst and worst until he was bringing his friends over for podcasts that got more and more disturbing. He talked about how women should bow down to men, and never say no.

It scared Sam and Jazz so much that they would not talk to him nor would they visit him. Danny tried to help Tucker change back to a decent person. He just would not listen to anyone telling him he needed to let go of his pain and bitterness and improve himself.

Then he started working out to no end and managed to eat healthier and he lost a whole bunch of fat. Still, he could not get a girlfriend. He mostly just managed one-night stands now. It was almost enough for Tucker. He loved one-night stands.

Eventually, one girl caught Tucker's eye. She was absolutely beautiful. She had dark brown skin and beautiful curly hair. She often dressed in soft silhouettes with lace and ribbons with romantic sleeves. Her name was Naomi.

She did not like Tucker and politely kept trying to decline him, but he did not get the hint. Finally, she got a restraining order, blocked him, and took a break from social media. After a few months of obsessing, he went off the deep end.

He hacked the plans of Amity Park and made bombs to blow up part of the town that Naomi lived in. Luckily Danny discovered Tucker's plan because he wrote a note to his Reddit about it. He called the police, and they took care of it along with Danny helping out.

It was a tragedy in many ways. Tucker could have been a better man and gotten a good girlfriend if he had just let go of his bitterness. Just like Vlad. Vlad could have been happy, he could have used his money to get therapy and learned how to find peace within the deficiencies of everyday life and relationships.

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