Sam and Pumpkin Spice Lattes

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Hey, I don't have an Instagram anymore due to it being deleted. I now have a Twitter and my username DaniMason2019. Please go check it out, it is for updates and sometimes polls for you guys to choose what I will publish next. I don't own Danny Phantom or the characters. Please review.

I wrote this story because of the trend of hating on people for being basic. I grew up in the tail end of that surge of it, or at least it was easy for middle school me to find. I wanted to write about Sam's need to be unique and I thought of Pumpkin Spice Lattes since it is fall. Personally, I don't like Pumpkin Spice Lattes or Pumpkin Pie but I will eat Pumpkin Bread happily. Weird, right?


On one sunny day in Amity Park, Sam Mason was sneaking around like she was committing a felony. Which was an odd sight indeed. To see a goth teenager sneaking around while orange and red leaves fell off the trees on a cool day. Sam was on a mission. One that was contrary to all her morals.

Sam wanted to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte, she had always loved them since her mother introduced them to her when she was a younger girl. Well, those first few drinks were steamers but that didn't matter to little Sam. She loved them the minute she tasted them.

They reminded her of crisp cool air, sweaters, and happiness. A few years ago during her sophomore year of high school, she used her allowance to open an eco-friendly vegetarian coffee shop. It also had vegan options and ethically sourced ingredients. It took a lot to keep it open but she was proud of it and it was now making her profits. She didn't run it, she owned it and made the manager sign a legally binding document, to make sure it ran to her ideals and was good for the environment, and had fair prices.

It was beloved by the goths and environmentalists alike. The only stain on its reputation (if you could call it that) was that it sold pumpkin spice lattes and other seasonal drinks. People had said that she was bowing to capitalism and the man. Also, it didn't help that pumpkin spice latte had become with white women wearing leggings and a conventional sweater and Uggs, the girls that were the epitome of the girls that got mocked for being one dimensional for liking things that were popular. The Basics.

Sam was ashamed of her dark and dirty secret. She loved a basic drink, it was so shameful for a proud goth like her who wasn't like other girls. But she craved it every fall and she went to her coffee shop and ordered one.

The sound of leaves crunching underneath her black combat boots brought her out of her thoughts. She reached down into her pair of black jeans and pulled out her headphones and her IPod, she turned on her music. She was in Amity for her gap year to figure out what she wanted to do. She was almost positive it would be Environmental Law or Science.

She made her way into the coffee shop. It had brick walls and vines growing all over them. A beautiful dark brown cork floor. It had vintage and thrifted furniture. It was Sam's pride and joy. The manager she hired was amazing!

She went up to the counter feeling like fraud in her black sweater, jeans, and dark purple lipstick. "I would like a 16 oz Pumpkin Spice Latte."

"That will be $2.50."

A few minutes later she heard her name. She got her drink and left.

The years flew by and her love of Pumpkin Spice Lattes hadn't changed. Yet Sam's attitude had changed. She was like other girls and that was great. She was proud to be a woman. She also learned to embrace normalcy.

She had her own Law Firm dedicated to making sure that the big guys were changing and taking care of the environment. She was working up to bigger and bigger fish in the ocean. She was donating money left and right and helping to pass laws. She was not as rich as her parents but she made more than them. She gave the money away to various charities. She was happy now, she still liked her dour clothes and dark makeup.

She still owned her coffee shop and still went there. And she proudly went to get Pumpkin Spice Lattes. She was wearing a dark purple chunky sweater and dark blue high-waisted jeans and fall was upon America again, and Sam relished the fall and pumpkin spice lattes.

Sam's coffee shop a few years ago started to sell seasonal drinks year around much to her joy. The coffee shop was now a small chain and rapidly growing due to environmental concerns.

"Hey what do you want?"

"I want a 16oz Pumpkin Spice Latte."

"That will be $3.50."

A few minutes later she heard her name being called. She went to sit down and sipped her drink. It was heaven.

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