Christmas Spirit

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I do not own the story of Danny Phantom nor the characters. I hope you enjoy this story and please review! I wanted to write a story about being less happy about Christmas and it being okay. I hate modern Christmas music and it makes me a Scrooge. And I have learned to love Christmas again but it is annoying to see everyone so chipper and wearing Santa hats.


I never was much for the Christmas spirit. Even after learning about the Christmas Truce. It isn't surprising to those who know about my memorable Christmases. Which included my Mom and Dad fighting about if Santa existed, in private, in public, all day and all night. And of course who could forget my first Christmas with a dog peeing on me because my parents were arguing about Santa. Or Jazz having to save us from a turkey that came alive.

Sam didn't quite get the innate distaste I had for the holidays.

"Who could hate Christmas. Around this time everyone is so caring and kind?"

"It isn't that. It is that every year I can expect to open gifts to the sounds of arguing. Christmas is a battle, Sam. The only happy memories I have of Christmas are of me and Jazz escaping the arguing with the movie White Christmas. "

"Sorry, Danny. I keep forgetting how bad your Christmases are but you should be more cheerful. It isn't right that you aren't happy."

"Thank you, Sam."

After the whole thing with Ghost Writer and the Christmas Truce, I could at least escape to the Ghost Zone to the Christmas Party. Speaking of the party, that is where I decided to go to escape the annual torment that is my parents.

I was getting the Specter Speeder ready to go to the party. Ember is hosting the party this year. Jazz was making sure I was ok.

"I will be at my friend Julie's. Call me if anything happens."

"I will Jazz, don't worry, all the ghosts are nice to each other until Boxing Day."

"Ok Danny, have fun."

"I will. You too."

I got into the Speeder and drove into the neon green swirling sky with the purple doors and got to Ember's place in about twenty minutes. Once I got there, I unloaded all the presents I packed for all the ghosts that were attending.

I entered the door and said "Merry Christmas! I come bearing gifts."

Everyone crowded around me and I handed them out to the intended recipients. Once they were handed out, everyone opened them. Johnny 13 and Kitty got a couples spa kit, a bath bomb for two, Ember got guitar strings, Sulker got a pocket knife, Dora got a book of fairytales, Pandora got a golden headband in a vine crown, Ammorpho got a book on acting, Walker got a baton at, etc.

Overall it was a good Christmas. And the music was better than the modern music that is played on the radio. Is old Christmas music too much to ask for?

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