Danny, Sam, and Tucker go to the Beach

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I DON'T OWN DANNY PHANTOM OR THE CHARACTERS. I just own the story. I got this idea from. If you are a writer, you should check it out. This is a slight parody.

I can be found on Archiveofourown as FangirlWriter1!, on Wattpad as FangirlWriter, as DaniMason, and on Twitter as DaniMason2019. Please check out those places. I hope you enjoy it!

11/6/22- Fixed a few words


Danny, Sam, and Tucker decided to visit the beach. This was abnormal for many reasons, Sam insisted to dress up in a bat cape half at the time, and Tucker was way worse than Danny ever was with girls, which is saying something. The last time they ended up at the beach Danny and Sam had to rush Tucker home before he made it to the local nudist camp.

Not to mention, the possibility of ghosts. Despite all the reasons to not go to the beach including the fact it was December. Don't tell Tucker but a good 25% of why they decided to go in December as they were 75% sure that the nudists wouldn't be out and about. Both of them did not what to see naked people.

Anyway, they were headed over to the beach which was a few hours (it was a lake beach but it was still huge) away in the Fenton Assault Vehicle, which maybe wasn't the brightest move due to all the drama that was about to happen.

Danny was driving the Vehicle and it was going well so far. Tucker and Sam were currently trying to fight over the radio.

Sam: I want to listen to My Chemical Romance. It is the best band ever!

Tucker: They are famous, real hypocritical of you Sam, you don't even want to underground music. You know that underground artists have a really hard time making it! I on the other hand want to listen to a playlist of underground techno-pop.

Sam: I am not a hypocrite! I just love My Chemical Romance! I also love the band Tragedy Anne! I bet you haven't heard about them before.

Tucker: No I haven't let me guess, your parents hate them due to being an all-girl punk band with a demonic-looking Raggedy Anne doll as their logo.

Sam: How did you know?

Tucker: You are basic.

Sam: Take that back!

Tucker: As long as I can play my music.

Sam; No way!

Sam tackled Tucker and wrestled him into the Vehicle. They were ramming into things like their picnic basket and the ghost-fighting weapons. Danny was meanwhile panicking in the driver's seat and saying things like "please stop" etc. He was desperately looking for a place to pull over to stop Sam and Tucker. Finally, he found one, after a good few minutes.

Danny: You guys better stop or I swear the Ghost Zone I will turn around and we will not go to the beach! I will not die to go to the dang beach. If you guys can't choose the music, I will! We will play Humpity Dumpty.

Sam and Tucker: Fine, sorry Danny.

Then came the freeway. The freeway was icy and packed to the brim. It didn't help that they had a huge vehicle. Merging into the freeway almost go them killed, and a car almost T Boned them. After a few more minutes they finally realized they could make the Vehicle go intangible and invisible and get through the traffic. They hemmed and hawed over it but finally decided that it was worth it.

Finally, they made it to the beach. The chaos didn't stop there for them. For one the weather was really cold, they were all huddled in their coats. They tried to eat their food outside, but before they could even set down the blanket, it blew out of their hands into the lake. Danny had to fly into the ocean to get the blanket. After that, they ate in the Vehicle.

The beach and lake were beautiful and Sam took lots of photos of it and them. After a while, they started to head back to the Fenton Vehicle. They found out that unfortunately, they had walked into a nudist colony when they saw a bunch of naked people of all ages. They were playing many games like tennis, basketball, and oddly enough, water skiing. Those people were committed!

Tucker was kind of thrilled while Danny and Sam weren't at all, they hightailed it out of there dragging Tucker along. After they found the Vehicle, everything was smooth sailing from there. On the bright side, they had a new party story.

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