Interviewing Day!!!
I put on my outfit. I decided last night to look nice, but casual. I pick out a dress that makes me look just that. The top is white and the bottom is light blue and flowy. With a brown belt in between. I put on a couple bracelets, that match, and a blue and tan necklace. I straighten my hair and put on mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, and blush. I go down stairs and eat breakfast. Cheerios.
After all of that, I go into the living room and watch T.V. Of course when I turn on the T.V, Henry Danger is on. And the episode I first stared in. UGG! WHY!? I hate watching myself. I turn it off and go up into my room. I check my phone. A couple notifications and a text from Jace.
**Beginning of text convo**
J. hey. Want 2 hang 2day?
R. Sorry, can't. I'm doing an interview, today. Mayb 2morrow.
J. Oh rly??? with how.
J. *Who. Stupid auto correct.
R. With B B and C. Heard of them?
J. Ya. I did an interview with them. They rhyme a lit.
J. Dang it. *lot
R. Jeez I get it! Lol
R. Hey gtg to the interview!! Wish me luck! :)
J. good luck! ;)
**End of texting**
I get up off my bed and go down stairs. "Ready to go?" I ask my mom.
"Yeah! Let's go Cutie-patutie." She smiles. "You look so cute. Oh! If gram could see you now. Wait!" Her face lights up. "Let me take a picture!" She takes out her phone and makes me do a ridiculous pose. "Gram and pap will be so proud!"
"Thanks." I say trying to hold back tears. I miss them. Sure they would bore me to death with all the gossip they picked up from bingo, but they are family. Pap was more of a father to me than Ted ever was. My pap used to find all the Gold and White he could, the colors of my old school, and put it on for my cheer compititions. We once won the most cheerful crowd. Everyone said he was the reason we won. He didn't believe them, though. I can tell my mom is holding back from crying, too.
"Well," She sighs taking a big breath. "Let's go, then."
We arrive and it's like a mini studio. There are cameras everywhere. Even mini dressing rooms. They are trying to make it like real T.V sets. It doesn't really work out that way.
"Hello. I'm Brent! You must be Rosetta Harley! " A shaggy haired young man exclaims while walking toward me. He puts up his hand and I have to jump to high-five him. He looks like he's a giant. Then again, I'm only 5'1"... He's about 6'. He's wearing a multi-colored sweater with jeans, a beanie, and black, D.C shoes. He has dirty brown hair and braces. But, he looks like he is about 36 years old. He looks really excited to see me.
"You must be wondering where Becca is..." He says. "Becca!" He yells. "You know, she's into that Show Bizz!" Okay. This place is starting to sound like Dr. Seuss.
"I'm Here, I'm here!" She yells back running over to us. "Well, hello dear!" She gives me a bear hug even though, we have only talked once and that was on the phone.
"Hi," I reply shyly. Usually i'm not shy at all. I wonder why I am infront of her?
"Well, we are going to sit over here," she explained while walking over to a purple couch. "Come on you... Yeah, I got nothin'." I laugh. "But, all the questions will be rhyming."
"Okay. Fun!" I lie, but make it sound like I care.
"Yes! It is!" We talk a little bit more then head over to the purple couch. "Okay. It's very simple. I ask the questions and you answer them the best you can." she explains.
"Okay." We sit down and it's so confortable! I practially sink into it, but in a good way.
"Okay. Starting in 3...2..." The camera man holds up a finger and we begin.
"Hello this is Becca Robbton and I'm here with Rosetta Harley from Henry Danger!"
I wave. "Hi!"
"Most of you know her because she's no stranger! So, Rosetta."
"That's me!" I quickly overcome my shyness.
"Explain your character for everyone who doesn't know who you are. So, know that you are a star."
"Well, Becca, my character is a kind of laid back girl named, Bianca. Henry has a crush on her and they end up getting together. She can be funny at times. Yeah, but she is a kinda chill chick," I explain.
"Cool! Okay so how do you think you are like Bianca? Do you think you can play the maracas?" Becca asks.
"Yeah I think I can play the maracas. I think I'm like Bianca... Gosh." I look around trying to find something in common. "Well, I guess i'm kinda laid back. I don't really try to be the center of attention or cause any drama. It just kinda happens..."
"Okay, sweet!" She looks down at her que cards, "So are you in any new shows or movies? If you are that's really groovy!"
"Not at the moment. But, I would be open to just about anything!" I say.
"Alright last question!" She says excitedly. "What is your middle name? I mean, we can't find it anywhere. I hope your middle name isn't underwhere!" She laughs and I blush.
"No, it's Grace. So, my full name is Rosetta Grace Harley."
"Oh, very pretty!" Becca exclaims. "This has been B,B, and C saying come back because next time we will have tea!"
"And we're clear! Good Job, Rosetta!" says the camera man.
"Thanks!" I say for a little bit longer and then me and my mom head home.
I never did meet Cully....
(Soooooo sorry!!!! I havn't been on Wattpad since today!)

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.A
FanfictionThis girl named, Rosetta has her life set out for her in Pa. But when her mom gets a new job, they have to move to C.A. Now, of course Rosetta is pretty angry. She has friends here. A boyfriend here. A life here. In California, she has nothing. But...