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( Chapter 30 already??!!!)

"Hey!"  Mr. Norman looks up from his newspaper.  "Look who decided to show up."  He says it kind of bitterly.  At first I thought he was joking, but by the look on his face...

"Oh honey!"  Mrs. Norman stops in the middle of her cooking and comes over to hug me.  "We were so worried!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine.  I just had to go to my house to get ready for my last day," I explain.  My voice is muffled by her shirt.

"Oh." She lets me go.  "Well, tell us next time.  Okay?"

"Yeah." I start going up the steps. 

"Breakfast will be ready soon!" She yells up to me.

I don't know what else to do, so I go on my phone and call Ava.  I haven't called her in a while.  I kind of feel like talking to someone about what has happened. I talk to her until I have to go to breakfast.  She was so happy when I told her about Braydon.  Then, she was so sad when I told her about my mom.  She had all the right reactions.  Then, she told me what was happening back in P.A.  Jake got another girlfriend.  I'm happy for him.  She said that this really cute guy moved there and she's going to talk to him tomorrow.  I gave her the inspiring, "You go girl!"

So basically, their lives are falling together while mine are falling apart.

"Breakfast!"  Mrs. Norman happily yells up the stairs.

I run down the stairs: I'm starving.  I'm greeted with a set table, bacon, eggs, and pancakes.  I'm almost drooling when Jace comes down.  

He pretends to be surprised.  "Hey!  You found her!"

"Yep," his dad replies.  "She just walked through the front door.  She found us."  Well, I think, he doesn't sound mad anymore.  I smile.

"Well, great!  Where did you go?"

This is a question he doesn't already know.  "I went over to my house to get ready," I answer.

"Eat before it gets cold!"  Mrs. Norman exclaims.

"She gets very enthusiastic about her food making," Jace says under his breath as we sit down.

I grin and start eating.  The food is so delicious.  The eggs are just gooey enough and the bacon is crispy, but not too crispy.  Just the way I like it.

When we finish our food, we go out the door.  Jace's mom races after us.  "Wait!  Don't you want a ride?!"

Jace looks at me.  I look at him.  "Na, we're good.  Thanks mom."  He waves and that's that.

After a while of walking in silence, Jace sparks a conversation. "So, how'd you do it?"

"Do what?" I play dumb.

"You know, go from my closet to in my kitchen."

"I jumped out the window," I say bluntly.  I look at Jace and near to die, laughing at his facial expression.  I have tears coming out my eyes.  I don't know where to begin trying to describe it.

"I'm only half kidding," I say as soon as I'm done laughing.  "I saw a ladder on your sister's dresser and used it to climb out the window.  Then, I went to my house to change into this beauty." I gesture to my dress.

He looks relived.  "Oh.  That makes more sense."

"Yeah.  I would hope so."

We walk in silence a little more, until I speak up again.  "I talked to my friend from Pennsylvania today."  When he doesn't respond I add, "She said that my old boyfriend, Jake, got a new girlfriend."

"That's cool."  He says it like I'm a 4 year old telling him a story.

"Jace," I stop and grab his shoulder to stop him, but I'm not strong enough.  "Jace."  He still keeps walking.  Wait, I know!  "I'm thinking about breaking up with Braydon."

He stops and smiles back at me.  "Really?"

"No," I say plainly and start walking to catch up with him.  "But, your not giving me anything to work with.  Tell me a story or something!"

"Uh...Okay..." He pauses trying to think.  "Well this one time, when I was in first grade, this bully made me eat a bug."

"Really?  You?"

"Yeah, believe it or not some one bullied me."

"Well, I thought with your hair no one would ever make you do anything you don't want to do."  We both laugh.  "You do have really good hair, though," I add.  "Even better than mine," I tease.

"No," he starts petting my hair.  "You have amazing hair.  What conditioner do you use?"

I laugh and we go into a conversation of how we get our hair like this, and eventually, how Jace bathes his dog.  I don't know how we got to his dog, but we do.


As I approach my locker for the last time, I see many people have put notes on my locker.  Some of the names I don't even recognize. I read a couple; 'It was so fun to get to know you,  Love, Kyle' 'you're a great friend, Clair', and 'I'll miss you.  Tim'

One particular note catches my eye.  "So, Rose I hate you.  You know that.  But, you're dating my best friend so I guess I like you.  Anyway, It's Jenifer."  Well, thanks, I think.  I giggle at my own joke.  You're hilarious, Rose.  I open my locker and put the note in my backpack.  I sigh, grab my backpack and close the locker.  As soon as I do, Braydon is smiling at me.


"Hi," I say.

"So I was thinking..."

"Oh god Braydon's thinking again," I tease.

"Hey!" He yells at me.  "Just listen.  Would you like to go with me to Pizza Fest with me?  Like right now?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun!  Just let me text Jace to tell him not to wait for me."  I start texting Jace when Braydon stops me.

"No!  I'm trying to like Jace...  For you're sake.  I'll go get him, you wait here."  He runs off to get Jace.

In a few minutes he's back with Jace.  

"What!  What happened?!" He yells.  "Are you okay!?"

"Yeah, I'm fine...  Braydon, what did you tell him?" I eye down Braydon.

"I told him you got hurt."  Jace and I glare at him.  "What?  I knew he wouldn't come if I just asked him."

"Ask me what?"  Jace looks from me to Braydon, cautiously.

"Do you want to go to Pizza Fest with us?" Braydon asks.  He jumps, puts his hands diagonally, and does jazz fingers.

"Sure."  Jace texts his mom and the next thing I know, we're walking to Pizza Fest. 

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.AWhere stories live. Discover now