I check my phone, over and over again. Click. 7:15. Nope. Click. 7:16. Nope. I do this for about 10 minutes before I finally get a text from him. "Hey."
"Hi!" I text back. "So what time tomorrow?"
"Right. I'll ask my mom. BRB" UGH! More checking, but he answers sooner this time.
"My mom said to be at our house at about 8."
"Cool Thanks! :) See you at 8, Jace!" Click. I turn off my phone and hold it in my hands for a little. Staring off into space. I remember back to when I was a littke kid.
I was probably about 6. "Hey mom?" I asked her while I was watching 'Wizards Of Waverly Place.' Cuddling Rosie, my old stuffed animal that I named after myself. She was a white soft bunny that had a yellow ribbon around her neck. The ribbon had a little rose on it. Another reason why I had named her Rosie. And why I got her in the first place.
"Yes, Honey." She was out in the kitchen doing the dishes.
"Will I ever be on a T.V show?" I turned away from my show. "You know, like, maybe a wizard like Alex?"
"Well, do you want to be a wizard like Alex?" She turned away from the dishes and looked at me seriously. Or what I thought was serious. I figured out she could go deeper into seriousness when we had 'The Talk.'
"Yeah." I nod my head really fast. "But, just for pretend. I like pretenting, mommy. And...and dress up, and Barbie Dolls, and--"
"Yes Rose, I know." She smiled and walked over to me. "What the girl playing Alex is doing is called acting. It's a made up T.V show to give little girls like you entertainment. The girl who plays Alex is named Selena Gomez. If you want to do that when you grow up, I could schedule a class for you to go to. You could make new friends and see if this is something you really want to do."
"Okay! Yes, I want to do it mommy!" I jump from the couch and hug her waist. " Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
That was the third best day of my life. My first was getting the part of Bianca on Henry Danger. The second best was the first day of that acting class. It's when the two things happend that changed my life. First, I met my best friend, Ava Upton. Second, I learned what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to act. With my best friend right beside me I felt like I could do anything.
**End of flashback**
My mom comes up the steps and knocks on my door, snapping me back into reality. "Okay cutie. Time for bed. What time is Jace's mom taking you to Disney?"
"I have to be at their house at 8." I get off my bed, run over to her and hug her.
"OH!" She takes a second to realize that I'm hugging her, and what a hug is, before I let go. I haven't hugged her in a while. "What was that all about?"
"Thank you." I whisper, but grow louder. "Thank you for taking me to that acting class when I was 6. Without it, I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have done that interview. Heck, I wouldn't have even gotten Bianca if it weren't for that class. So, just thank you. I know you've been through a lot, and I don't tell you this enough but, I love you, you know."
"Oh, honey. I love you, too." And we are hugging and crying and saying how much we love each other until about 9:00. I go to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
I knock on the Norman's door and twirl my necklace around my fingers. Mr. Norman answers. "Hey Rose. How's life been to ya?" he asks when I answer.
"Pretty good, thanks."
"Well, that's pretty good, I guess. Come on in." He moves aside, so I can 'Come on in.' I sit on their light brown couch and wait for Mrs. Norman and Jace. They come down in about a minute.
"Ready to go?" Jace's mom asks us.
We both nod and go get in the car. It takes about 2 hours to get there. On the way there we talk about the show and then T.V shows and then how weird Cooper is. You know, normal stuff.
"Okay Kiddos. We're here! You kids have fun. I'm going to the mall. Call me when you're finished," Jace's mom says like she's giving a speech. She always talks like that and I admire her for it.
"I will. Bye mom," says Jace.
"Thanks Mrs. Norman." We wave goodbye then, walk to the gate.
"So, where do you want to go first?" asks Jace.
"Well," I head over to a map and look for a second. There's Fantasyland, Mainstreet U.S.A, Adventureland, Mickey's Toontown, Tomorrowland, Frontierland, New Orlean's Square, and Critter Country to pick from. Man, I think, So many lands! "Tomorrowland sounds fun!"
"Cool! That's actually my favorite."
"Wow. It's like I have ESPN of something," I reply, grinning.
"What?" It's kinda cute how confused he is.
"Have you ever seen Mean Girls?"
"Then, you wouldn't get it." I shake my head.
He shakes his head, too. "Let's just go to Tomorrowland. I had a cool thing I was going to do but, no..." he trails off.
"No what?"
"Not anymore. Let's just go." He starts walking, but I just stand there shaking my head.
He turns around so, he's walking backwards. "You comin?"
I shake my head one last time, giggling, and run to catch-up. We get on a monorail. We sit next to strangers and look out the window. It goes so fast. And so high above ground... I close my eyes. Before I know it, we are at Tomorrowland.
"Hey," Jace taps my shoulder. "We should go on that." He points to building with spikes on the top. The roof is white and the walls are brown. It has a lightbulb right above the door.
"What is it?" I ask.
"It's called the 'Space Mountain'. It's really fun. You'll love it!" He exclaims.
" Okay as long as it doesn't go upside-down," I reply nervously. I hate rides that goes upside-down. Since as long as I can remember, I don't go on rides that go in loop-de-loops. Nope. Nada. None. No upside-downsie things, period.
"It doesn't. I promise."
"Okay. Let's go!"

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.A
FanfictionThis girl named, Rosetta has her life set out for her in Pa. But when her mom gets a new job, they have to move to C.A. Now, of course Rosetta is pretty angry. She has friends here. A boyfriend here. A life here. In California, she has nothing. But...