I'm sitting on my bed reading The Fault In Our Stars, when all the sudden...My mom comes bursting through the door looking all excited.
"Honey, I got great news..."She stops looking worried, "And bad news..." She looks down.
"Well, you seemed excited about the great news. So, that first," I try to confort her.
"Okay. So, the awesome, fantastic news is... drum roll please..." I pat my bed,"I got a JOB!"
"Oh my God!! This is so great." My mom has been jobless for... 6 no... well, since my dad left. So, yeah about 6 months. We have been living with my grandparents. We don't have to pay for a thing. But, they are really poor, too. "So, whats the bad news?" I ask wincing. When my mom says "bad news" she doesn't mean, 'Your goldfish fred died' ,she just comes out and says that. No, she means 'Dad left to go to work then texted me he found another wife.' My dad was a jerk.
She hesitates," The bad news is... we have to move."
"WHAT?! To where!!!???" I ask startled.
"To California," she replies sadly.
"No!" I scream "You can't do this to me! I will stay on this bed and read 'The Fault In Our Stars' until my eyes fall out!"
"Honey, we can't keep mooching off of your grandparents like this. We need to live on our own." She stops. "They remind me of Ted to much." Ted is my other, male guardians name. We live with his parents. Not my moms, Teds. I don't call Ted my dad because he isn't really. Well, technically, yes he is my father, but I refuse to call him that. Aren't dads supposed to go to their daughters Cheer Leading Competitions? Aren't they supposed to care about you?
My mom speaks intrupting my thoughts,"Start packing. We are going from P.A to C.A. Maybe even you could get an acting job down there."
(Thank you for reading this story!! Love you! I know this has nothing to with Jace, but you'll see. Thank you again)

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.A
FanfictionThis girl named, Rosetta has her life set out for her in Pa. But when her mom gets a new job, they have to move to C.A. Now, of course Rosetta is pretty angry. She has friends here. A boyfriend here. A life here. In California, she has nothing. But...