"Wake up!" I shake my mom awake.
"What? " she asks confused. "Oh! It's you. I didn't mean to make you mad the other day, I just don't know anything that's happened to me." I start to speak but she cuts me off. "Don't tell me it's nothing, because if it was nothing, I wouldn't be in a hospital right now. I feel like I should remember you."
"Well, most mothers remember their daughters," I snap. I don't know why, but suddenly I'm furious.
She covers her mouth in shock. "So, you're my daughter!? Who's your father?"
I sigh. "His name is Ted Finley. He's a terrible man." I start ranting, I can't help it. "He left us a year ago, and married another girl. He has two kids: Daisy and Anthony. I saw him when I was at Disneyland with..." She wont know who Jace is and I don't feel like explaining him right now, I think. "A friend. He came to our house, told us who he was and then left. Now, we babysit his kid, Daisy."
She is looking me in the eyes, trying to think of what to say, when a police man bursts through the door. "Rosetta Harley, can I speak to you in the hall for a moment?"
"Sure," I say. I follow him out into the hall.
"Hi, I'm officer Jordan, and I have some news on what really happened the night your mom went unconscious." He sounds like he should be on a really bad detective movie. "Turns out, your biological father, Ted Finley, came to your house, drunk. He wanted to hurt your mom for, quote, "What she did." We're not sure what she did yet. She tried to get away by going into the kitchen, but he managed to shoot her shoulder. When he realized what he'd done, he took her to the basement to try to hide her body. That's all we know," he concludes.
"Well, you sure know a lot." I don't know why I'm not crying, I'm so fragile these days. Maybe it's because I already guessed that had happened. Maybe I only cry if I don't expect it to happen. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. I'll let you go back to your mom." Officer Jordan starts to walk away.
"If only she remembered," I mumble.
"I'm sorry..." He turns around.
"Oh, nothing." I answer. I go back inside the hospital room.
"What did he have to say?" My mother asks.
"Oh, nothing," I repeat in the same voice I told the officer. I smile at her.
"I'm so sorry that all of this is happening to you. Nothing like this should happen to a teenage girl. How old are you?"
I pause to think. "15," I say. I almost forgot about my birthday. I have to get used to saying 15.
"Oh. So, I'm guessing I don't have any other children." She makes a weak attempt at a joke.
"Yeah, just me." I balance on my heels, and put my hands behind on my back.
"That's good...Well, not that I wouldn't mind another child...It's just..."
"I know what you mean."
(IMPORTANT NOTE: So, basically what happened from then until the next part of the story, is that Rosetta started visiting her mom everyday to try and help her get her memory up to date.
The next part of the story is taking place two weeks later.)
My mom is coming home from the hospital, today! I have been cleaning the entire house all day, which is a lot for me to do. Since I've had no school, I have just lounged around and ate dinner that the Norman's brought to me. I owe them many containers.
I haven't gone over there to eat, since I'm still mad at Jace. Maybe I'm over reacting. Maybe Jace always fighting with Braydon wasn't that bad.
What am I thinking? Of course it was bad. My boyfriend and my best friend should be best friends, right? I mean, they should at least tolerate each other. Why can't they learn to get along?
Or I could just go with Braydon. Maybe he was a little protective, but sometimes that's a good thing. I doubt other guys would flirt with me, but if they do, Braydon needs to say something.
What if Braydon was doing that for Jace? What if he knows something I don't?
Stop it. Jace Norman could not possibly have a crush on me.
Or could he?
I finish putting all the Norman's containers in a box, just to see the Norman's car outside our living room window. Jace's mom was the one to go get her.
I scream and run out side. My mom has to use a walker to move around, due to brain damage, so I hug her carefully.
"Hi! How's my sweet little, Rose?" She asks me.
"Good! Great actually!" I don't ever want to let her go. Nothing this good has happened for a long time. I want to memorize this feeling because I know it wont last long. Something else has to happen to make it go away. That's how life works. Unfortunately, you can't be happy forever. I turn to Mrs. Norman. "Thank you for bringing my mom home."
"No problem. I'm going to leave you two to bond." With that she gets into her car and drives the 100 feet to get to her house.
I help my mom into the house. We sit on the couch and I ask the question that's been on my mind. "So, now that everything is kinda normal, I need to ask you something." I pause to look at her. She nods so I continue. "I told you about my boyfriend, and my best friend. But, the thing I didn't tell you is that they got into a fight. Jace started yelling at Braydon because he didn't think Braydon was being a good boyfriend. Then, I came and Jace ran away. I haven't talked to either of them since. I don't know who to choose."
"Why not both of them?" She asks.
"Because if I choose both of them, the fighting will never stop. I can't take all this fighting. I don't think I need anymore drama in my life than what has to be there."
"I see." She thinks for a minute. "Well, if I've learned anything important from losing my memory, it's that if someone really loves you, then they will do everything in their power to stay close to you. To help you when you need it most. They'll make you laugh, when something bad happens. They'll do their best to make things right. So, choose the one that has and will always been there for you. Choose the one that you think would help you make everything right."
I smile. "Thanks mom. I know exactly who I'm going to choose."

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.A
FanficThis girl named, Rosetta has her life set out for her in Pa. But when her mom gets a new job, they have to move to C.A. Now, of course Rosetta is pretty angry. She has friends here. A boyfriend here. A life here. In California, she has nothing. But...