"Rose!" As soon as I walk in, Riele runs up to me. Not very long after, little Ella is by her side.
"Riele! Ella!" I hug them both. Then, pull back and say, "I need to talk to you guys alone, ASAP!" I glance behind me and see Jace and Sean talking. I feel myself blushing as I look back at them. I know Jace is telling him all about what happened.
"Let's go to my dressing room our first break. Okay?" Ella looks at us for an approval. We both nod. Jace and I were talking about how we were going to tell our coworkers about us. I told him specifically not to talk to Riele or Ella about it until he gets the okay from me. He said the same about Sean and Cooper. I'm not so sure if i'm okay with Cooper knowing, but I'll live. He'll find out eventually if we don't tell him now.
Just then, Dan Schneider comes out of nowhere and addresses us with the help of a megaphone. "Hello everyone! Welcome back! Are you ready to get started on season two?!"
We all cheer.
"Good, good, good. Settle down...Jace and Sean..." I look back and see Jace and Sean still cheering, jumping up and down. I can't help but laugh at them.
They stop jumping and Jace shouts, "Sorry." Everyone laughs.
"Alright. Now that we got that out of the way, time to get down to business. Let's head to the Table Reading Room."
We all do as Dan says. I walk with Ella and Riele, and a few feet behind me, Jace is walking with Sean. I don't know why, but I'm suddenly really nervous. Maybe it's because I'll have to read with the cast again and I'm afraid I'll mess up. I take a deep breathe as we walk into the white room with only a table and chairs in it.
I plop down on the couch in Ella's dressing room. After an only an hour of reading and discussing the script, I'm exhausted. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and go to sleep.
"I didn't realize how much I missed being at work," Riele says as she sits down on my left.
"I know right! I missed being Piper." Ella takes the seat to my right.
"And I missed being sassy!" Riele is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She is nothing like her character.
"Me too." They both look at me expectantly, waiting for something.
"What?" I look from Ella to Riele.
"We're here for a reason, you know," Riele says. "I could be looking at pictures of Zac Efron."
"Oh my God! He's so hot!" Ella exclaims.
Riele doesn't take her eyes off me. "Okay okay!" I take a deep breathe. "Jace and I are dating." I say the words so fast that it actually sounds like I said, JaceanIaredating.
Riele jumps off the couch with lightening speed. "Ohmygod really!?"
I laugh. "Yeah."
They both scream, which makes me laugh harder. Ella grabs my hands and pulls me up to jump with them. Which I do without hesitation.
"Wait! Woah, woah, woah!" Ella stops us. "I think this calls for a 'I'm single no longer' dance."
Riele smiles, winks, and runs out the door.
I frown. "Where's she going? And what's a 'I'm single no longer' dance?"
Ella's smile widens. "A 'I'm single no longer' dance is a dance with you and your new boyfriend. But, your friends are around to video tape it."
My eyes widen. "Video tape it?!"
Ella laughs. "There's no stopping it."
I'm just about to run out of the dressing room and hide when Riele bursts through the door with Jace and Sean. "I got em."
I put my head in my hands as Jace walks over to me. "Oh jeez."
"Well, that's not a nice way to greet your boyfriend," Jace laughs.
"Fine," I say, my hands muffling the sound. I take my hands away from my face and hug him. "Hello."
"Hey. So, I hear we have to dance with each other."
"Yeah. I guess we do."
"We're waiting!" I pull back from the hug to see Ella, ready to video tape us with her phone. "Let's go!" She giggles.
Just then the 'I'm single No Longer' music fills the room. First, the song starts out with Beyonce's 'Single Ladies', then it fades into Elvis's 'Can't help Falling In Love With You', then Meghan Trainor's 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You.' It's a pretty good mashup. When 'Single Ladies' starts, I go to the natural response, the hand flip. Jace laughs and does it two. Then, when Elvis comes on, we start a sad version of what we believe to be ballroom dancing. But, then Jace steps on my foot. When I start jumping up and down holding my foot, Jace holds up his leg and uses it as an air guitar. I almost fall over laughing. When Meghan Trainor comes on, we finally get the slow dancing down pat.
At the end of the song, I look into his eyes. Again, I fall under their spell of chocolatyness. Everything around us disappears. All that's left is Jace. He holds my head in his hands and kisses me. I almost melt from the touch of his lips against mine. They're so soft and comforting. I wish it could last forever, when Sean clears his throat.
We both look at him, startled. Like we both forgot he was there, which I did. I don't know about Jace, but I think it happened to him too. "I don't want to end such a beautiful thing," Sean says. "But, they just announced that our break is over now."
I giggle. "Sorry, I guess I didn't hear it."
"I didn't hear a thing," Jace agrees. None the less, we part. It feels like the world is being ripped apart. I don't want to leave him. I just want to feel his lips against mine again.
As we open the door, we head back to the table reading room. I prepare myself for another hour of reading, then we can go home.

(Jace Norman Fanfic) From P.A To C.A
FanfictionThis girl named, Rosetta has her life set out for her in Pa. But when her mom gets a new job, they have to move to C.A. Now, of course Rosetta is pretty angry. She has friends here. A boyfriend here. A life here. In California, she has nothing. But...