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• y/n's pov •

"Tch." I winced, stepping back. Finally, the mitachurl before me dissipated. I use a bow, so obviously I wasn't going to be on the front lines, but this damn thing decided to come straight for me.

I grasped my arm, a thick, crimson liquid seeping out of the bandage after being fucking wacked by that damn axe. I was lucky I'd dodged barely in time, otherwise my arm would've been chopped clean off.

"Ow..." I breathed out, my gaze falling.

"Are you hurt?! I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time! Please, let me heal you!"

"I'm fine, thanks Noelle..."

It'd been a good ten minutes since I'd joined this team and I was already hurt. I wished I'd backed out right from the start, just admitted that I was a coward, but...

I lifted my head, my gaze falling upon a certain redhead, who had his claymore embedded straight into a cryo abyss mage's chest.

I didn't need to embarrass myself more than I already had.

"It's okay: we'll deal with the rest of them for now!" I heard Lumine call out.

I glanced at her. I thought she said she didn't have a vision.

She tugged a bunch of hilichurls together at once with what was clearly anemo powers.

I rubbed my hand over my face. Did I just make that up in my head? She didn't seem to be wearing a vision though.

My eyes narrowed. I didn't even realise that my bleeding had stopped.

After getting her team together, Lumine had decided she wanted to do her commissions that the Adventurer's Guild set her, just before she had to set out for whatever it was she doing with Master Diluc and Master Jean. Quite frankly, I wasn't interested in what it was, or maybe I just wasn't in the mood to find out. Probably something to do with Stormterror, considering what had happened when I first met her.

It wasn't that I were envious, but when I thought about all that a simple traveller was doing for Mondstadt compared to someone who's been living here for at least some time...

I really felt useless. This team didn't even need me, to be honest.

"That should do it. Is that okay? Does it hurt? I apologise if my healing isn't the greatest..."

"O-oh, it's-" Noelle's voice snapped me out of it. I blinked in surprise. It felt as if the wound had disappeared. "It's great," I smiled warmly, "Thanks."

Lumine, Noelle, Master Diluc and me... I wondered what would happen if we encountered a pyro enemy. Lumine shouldn't have brought me.

I pulled out my bow, shooting down a hilichurl about to attack Master Diluc from behind. That was the last one.

Master Diluc met eyes with me. I looked away, my eyebrows furrowed. Although he was at least a metre or two away, I could still hear him sigh.

I can't believe she wanted us to be on the same team. That's just slightly better than having him and Kaeya on the same team – in terms of relationships, that is – otherwise I was just completely redundant to the team, compared to how well Kaeya and Diluc would work together, with that powerful melt reaction.

What, just because I didn't have a vision doesn't mean I didn't know a thing or two about elemental reactions.

Lumine placed her hands on her hips, as her partner appeared from thin air. It seemed she could just disappear and reappear at will.

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