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• third person •

(Y/N) laughed nervously, her red wrists tingling under a pack of frozen peas.

"I'm a little scared of him now, to be honest..." She smiled. "He's always been intimidating I suppose."

"Master Diluc can be quite impatient at times..." The head housemaid frowned, tending to (Y/N) after Diluc had left shortly after (Y/N) had eaten. "You shouldn't have to put up with that: no one should be scared of their partner. I don't know what's gotten into Master Diluc..."

Adelinde held (Y/N)'s hands delicately, gently pressing the pack upon her wrists. (Y/N) didn't realise how tight he'd been gripping onto her until she looked. There were marks.

A small sigh left her lips. "It's my fault, really... He just wants to protect me yet..."

"I'm sure you don't need a man's protection."

(Y/N) broke out into a laugh. A smile teased Adelinde's lips. They even heard a chuckle from Elzer in the corner of the room.

(Y/N) shook her head with a smile. "It doesn't matter anyway... I'll deal with whatever happens when it happens..."

"Leaving it till last minute?"

"It's not as if I can do anything about it anyway..."

Adelinde let out a soft sigh. She lifted the pack, slowly examining (Y/N)'s now cold wrists.

"Does it still hurt?" Her soft fingers gently pressed against (Y/N)'s skin. (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed. "It might have bruised."

"It's nothing," she mumbled. "He didn't mean it..."

Adelinde began to rub her thumb against (Y/N)'s palm. They were... strangely tingly.

"Do you have pins and needles?" She tilted her head while beginning to massage (Y/N)'s hands.

"They've been a bit numb... Probably..."

"Perhaps the ice isn't helping... Elzer." The silver-haired man looked up from his desk. "Do you have any hand warmers?"

Immediately, he began to rummage through his drawers. He stood up, quickly approaching the pair. "Will these do?"

"Thank you, Elzer." Adelinde placed the hand warmers into (Y/N)'s palms. Her eyelashes fluttered at the change in temperature.

With a sigh, he sat down at the end of the table, next to (Y/N) and Adelinde.

(Y/N)'s gaze fell. A feeling of guilt began to swallow her whole.

"It's a shame really... seeing Master Diluc like this..." Adelinde murmured. "He's much better than this... yet..."

"We told him to trust you, and to respect your privacy, but that's not always easy for someone like him..."

(Y/N) glanced up at Elzer.

"Master Diluc really cares about you, you know. He can't bare to lose anyone else, which... unfortunately made him..."

"Lash out..." Adelinde finished.

(Y/N) shook her head. "He didn't lash out, per say... it was me... As I've been saying, it was my fault... I hold too many secrets and I... I can't get myself to tell him and worry him... I'd rather us both be happy without a care in the world than... knowing he has the constant worry of..."

"Master Diluc's already worried about you," Elzer interrupted. "He..."

Adelinde's eyes instantly met Elzer's. She shook her head.

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