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• y/n's pov •

I woke up in cold sweat.

Where the fuck am I?

My pupils darted around. I was in a bed it seemed, a large one at that, at least queen sized, and there was this huge window to the left, but the dark curtains were closed. From the gaps where sunlight slipped through I could tell it was dawn.

Ugh, I felt gross. I'd fallen asleep all sweaty in my clothes, and not to mention in some ran...dom...

My pupils dilated in horror and realisation.

The door creaked open. My eyes slammed shut.

Please don't tell me it's him; please don't tell me it's him.

The floorboards creaked with slow steps.

Without warning, the mattress bounced up slightly, as if a large weight had been dumped onto it.

I struggled to steady my breathing. What the fuck?

My eyes peeked open slightly. All I could see was a blob of black, face down, right next to me. As I adjusted to the dark I managed to make out red strands of hair, sprawled onto the sheets out from what seemed a hood.

...What the fuck.

Did he forget I was here? Am I even supposed to be here? What even happened? Why was I asleep? Is this his bedroom?!


My breath hitched. My eyelids clamped shut.

"You're not awake, are you..?"

I didn't dare say a word.

His voice... was muffled, slightly dragging on. He sounded... exhausted.


His face was still planted into the bed. I was tempted to get up and annouce that I indeed was awake, but this...

This was a side of Master Diluc I never expected to see.

"That's..." he mumbled. "That's my side... You're on my side..."


"This is Kaeya's side..." I blinked. "But it's okay... we shared sides sometimes... when he had nightmares..."

Uhm... maybe I should just...

I reached out my hand over the blanket, hoping not to startle him.

My eyebrows jumped when he grabbed it.

"Are you awake..?"

Do I tell him? He's rambling... I don't want to embarrass him...

Diluc lifted his head. I shut my eyes again.


I could hear shuffling. Gods, what was happening. Barbatos knew what could happen right now.

I don't know about you but I'd like to think most people would be uncomfortable with having a half-asleep man in the same bed as you.

The bed sank down again. Diluc had released my hand.


I remained silent.

"I'm sorry."

It's okay.



"I'm really sorry."


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