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• third person •

He won't let go of her hand...

Jean worriedly glanced over to her former superior, who was sitting, staring blankly at nothing, beside the bed. He'd been like this for the past fifteen minutes.

Her lips pursed as she continued to close as many wounds as she could, her heart clenching at the fact that she couldn't have stopped it. Just like his father's death; the delusion was a deadly, deadly power.

There were quiet sobs in the corner of the room. All Jean could do was stay strong. She was aware that (Y/N) often came to the Cathedral these days as a result of her training: of course her little sister would be compelled at (Y/N)'s death.

Jean shook her head slightly. Naturally, she felt the need to blame herself. After all, as the Acting Grandmaster, she should've realised sooner, and sent help sooner, yet...

They'd lost a valuable citizen of Mondstadt. They'd lost a precious Knight of Favonius.

She was gone.

The wounds won't heal properly... Her eyes narrowed. I can't heal a delusion's power... But... Sir Diluc...

Jean continued, leaning down as she attempted to focus fully.

Her eyebrows raised. Why is she... warming..?

She blinked. A gasp erupted from the corner of the room.

"Wh-" Jean's head raised, "what is it?"

The deaconess sped towards the bed. Her mouth was trembling.

"It's okay. Say it. What's wrong?"

Barbara touched (Y/N)'s arm.

(Y/N) shifted slightly.

Jean's eyes widened.

Instantly, Jean grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist. Two fingers against her vein.

Jean's eyes lit up. Barbara let out a cry of joy.

"Sh-she's alive!!" Barbara exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks once more. "She's alive!!"

"This makes no sense; she was– What?"

"Master Diluc!" Barbara attempted to get his attention. He was almost completely out. "Master Diluc, look!!!"

He blinked. His blank stare slowly reached the deaconess. "Huh..?"

"She's alive!!!"

"What are you talking about?" Diluc's eyebrows furrowed. "You shouldn't joke about such things."

All of a sudden, the hand around his gently squeezed his fingers.

Diluc's heart stopped.

His head snapped towards (Y/N), shooting off his seat.

Her eyelashes fluttered.

Their gazes met.

Loud, joyful cries bursted from the girl next to him. Diluc was struck silent.

"I must have fallen asleep." He sat down again. "I hate lucid dreams."

"(Y/N)..?" he heard before him. The Acting Grandmaster examined the woman on the bed. "Are you... How is this possible..?"

"I'm alive..."

The room fell quiet.

Diluc's hand trembled against hers. She clutched it gently.

"I'm alive," (Y/N) repeated, just barely above a whisper. "I'm alive."

Diluc reached out. His bare fingers stroked against her pale cheeks. He wasn't wearing his gloves.

delusion • dilucWhere stories live. Discover now