To Make It Clear

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I only have eyes for you
You don't believe that it's true
But no matter what you do
Even when your old to me you'll still look new
You look to me like a man in the desert finding morning dew
You are worried about others but I'm only looking at you
You don't believe me but I swear it's true

I only have a mind for you
You don't believe that it's true
But whenever I sit down and think
I think of you and when your gone I feel like I need a drink
Because my thoughts are like water to a sink
Nothing but water comes out when you turn on the sink for a drink
Much like nothing but you comes out of my brain when I start to think

I only have a heart for you
You don't believe that it's true
But my love for you will never die
I'll be here for you if you ever cry
And my love is stronger than the binds that tie
And I swear not a line in this poem is a lie
And I'm so grateful that you are giving my love a second try

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