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1,2: these were just for fun to see if i could come up with deep lines.

3,4: these were about how my past friends hurt me but the friends I've made outweigh that pain

5,6: me just messing around trying to come up with things to write about

7: this one ironically cause ALOT of chaos cause hidden in the lines was my biggest secret... and people found out and it started a chain reaction that led all the way up till the last poem number 49.

8. The first person to find the secret message said they wouldnt tell anyone what it was about if i wrote one for them.... so thats what i did

9. The pain of being alone

10. The pain of having false rumors spread about you

11. Another one that i wrote for fun

12. Another person that found out the meaning of Edgars Valentine.

13. Another one i wrote for fun

14. The struggle of helping your friends when they are going through a tough time

15. A message to the person thats hidden in number 7

16. This one was written when someone didnt feel the same as me

17. Wanting to go back to simpler times

18. Missing someone that didnt miss me

19. Misinterpreted how someone felt

20. Wanting to talk to someone who obviously didn't want to talk to me

21. The difference between art and poetry

22. About being in a phase of life where you dont know how to feel

23. A message about wanting to be with someone thats far away but not being able to

24. About my coping mechanism of using comedy to avoid talking about my feelings

25. I had to send a message that hurt someone i cared about and i doubted they would ever forgive me

26. Contemplating opening up to someone i cared about hoping it wasnt too late

27. Written for fun

28. Even if the way i feel is one sided it wouldn't change anything

29. The effect a broken heart can have

30. Hoping to gain forgiveness for something i had to say that hurt someone

31. The pain of losing people you care about and how it affects relationships you have in the future

32. Each paragraph was written to a friend i lost

33. The realization that i lost someone i cared about despite all of my efforts to correct things

34. Even if the people i care about don't care about me ill always care about them anyways

35. Basically the dream life that everyone wants

36. What you say to the people that hurt you when you don't want them to feel bad

37. Wondering why can't it be as simple as apologizing and being forgiven

38. Remembering the past but realizing I'm going to have to move on

39. Trying to move on but realizing it isn't easy

40. For fun

41. Things i learned throughout life

42. Determination to move on past painful losses

43. So many opportunities in life and its difficult to know what to do

44, 45. Written for fun

46. Once you truly move on you start to be aware of new things and people

47. Restarting the cycle of hoping the future of friendships don't end like some in the past did

48. Written for fun

49. Hoping that the people who left don't regret leaving because i have moved on as much as they did

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