Moving On Is Just Forgetting The Past

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I wish you liked me
I wish i made you smile
Not all of the time
But once in a while

I wish you hated me
Constant disdain
For what i am
At least id be on your brain

Notice the past tense of "liked" and "hated"
Because its all gone
And the memories are faded
But my mind is still there

Thoughts used to ring through my head
They still do from time to time
Back to the beginning
And the story had unwritten lines

But you don't seem to remember
Or maybe you just don't care
Its like I'm a shadow or maybe i was never even there

But for me the thoughts are getting more and more sporadic
Like a picture coming into focus and gaps in the static
Maybe ill be like you and forget
Then there will be no regret

Last few thoughts of when you were here
Last few thoughts of when you cared
Last few thoughts of when you were gone
Last few thoughts and then I'm moving on

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