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I'm in class when I realize I left my pen in my locker. My favorite pen.

The hallway is empty since everyone's already in class.

I open my locker but no matter how much I search, I can't find my pen anywhere.

"Are you looking for this?" someone says and I jump in surprise, closing my locker to confront the voice.

"You." I narrow my eyes.

Jimin is there, leaning onto the lockers, his dark eyes staring at me with amusement.

"I have a name, you know?" he says while smirking. And then I notice he has my pen in his hand.

"Hey, that's mine! How did you get it?" I try to snatch it away from him but he dodges me.

"Give it back." I glare at him.


"Because it's mine," I say, irritated.

He smiles and looks at the pen.

"It doesn't have your name on it. So I guess it's mine now," he says before turning around.

Oh no. He's not going to get away with this. I run and step in front of him and his dark eyes fall on me, making my cheeks blush a little.

"Give it back," I command.

"I don't want to." 

I attack his arm and try to take the pen, but he's too strong.

He pushes my back onto the walls behind me, placing his hands on both sides of my face.

He moves his face closer to mine, his thick lips forming a shameless smile.

"Move." I try to crouch down and escape under his arm, but he's a lot faster and takes my shoulders, pinning me back again.

"Are you scared of me, ___?" he asks.

"Huh? Why would I be scared of you? Because you steal pens? I don't think so."

His smile grows bigger.

"You're funny." He leans forward, his warm breath tickling my nose and lips. I try pushing him but he won't budge.

"Leave me alone, Jimin." His eyes widen when I say his name and my eyes immediately widen in realization.

Jimin takes a step back, his teasing smile back on his lips.

"You know my name," he says, the satisfaction in his voice clear. "You've been asking about me, haven't you, ___?"

I feel the heat coming to my cheeks.

"No! Of course not, I just... heard someone say it," I lie.

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying!" I answer nervously and look away, embarrassed.

One of his hands takes my chin, forcing me to look back at him. I swallow hard as his thumb caresses my lower lip, his eyes following the movement.

"How badly do you want your pen back?" 

"Just give it to me." I glare at him.

He finally releases me and turns around. "If you want it back, meet me at the rooftop at 9 pm."

"What? We're not allowed to leave our rooms after seven. Wait!" I call after him, but he waves his hand and keeps walking.

I sigh in frustration, but I can't help my heart from beating faster.

Should I meet him?


I leave class extremely tired.

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