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(Yoongi's POV)

I'm enjoying the views of our backyard after leaving Jimin upstairs with ___. They need their time alone to sort things out after that show with the gun.

___ looked so good holding the gun, I wonder if I'll be able to take her hunting one day. Hunting a few animals... or maybe people.

I smile to myself, imagining it.

Jimin and ___ are alone and to be honest, it doesn't bother me at all. However, there is someone who seems really bothered.

Taehyung doesn't stop walking from one side to the other, blocking my view every few seconds.

Ugh, is having feelings really this annoying?

I let out a long sigh. "I know I'm gonna regret asking this, mainly because I don't give two craps about the answer, but I'm gonna act like a good brother and ask: is something wrong, Taehyung?"

"We shouldn't have left them alone, you saw what happened, he gave her his gun. Jimin's unstable like you, she's not safe with him," he says, still pacing.

"Taehyung, not only is jealousy an unnecessary feeling, but it's also a pretty annoying one." I tsk as I look at him. "There's no place for that stupid feeling in this situation. She's not your's, she's ours."

"That's not fair, she was mine before, I saw her first."

"You sound like a teenager." I hold the bridge of my nose. "Get over the drama, you agreed to this, do I have to remind you why?"

"For her own good," he mumbles with clenched teeth.

"It seems like I have to remind you our reasons again. All this acting, everything we've planned and done has been so that the could blame me as the killer, and not herself. So we could bring her here with us, and is at any moment if the other personality decides to come out again, we can control her before she kills again."

"But she hates us, why can't we just tell her the truth?" 

"Well. You're more selfish than I thought." I stand up from my chair. "You want to tell her the truth? You want to tell her that she killed her parents? That she's been a hypocrite this whole time, calling us killers when is was her who did it? You really want to destroy her like that only to see if she shows gratitude for what we've done for her, so you can rejoice in her love?"

I meet his eyes as Taehyung lowers his head and I continue. "She's not going to love you again simply because you tell her the truth, she's a different person now, she's been through too much. ___ can't handle the truth, it would destroy her."

"I'd never do anything to hurt her, not again," he says softly and I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I know, that's why you need to control those feelings of yours." I give my back to him, sitting back down.

"And what do you gain from all this?" Taehyung asks.

Being able to observe her, study her. ___ has the most fascinating mind I've ever analyzed. How can a single mind be home to two completely different personalities? How could she forget years of abuse and create a world where everything was perfect?

Taehyung is still waiting for my answer.

"Have some fun. When I get bored, I'll leave," I say casually.

"I don't think so. You formed part of this, you let yourself be falsely accused as a serial killer that'll be searched for a very long time, only for some fun? You don't feel anything for her?"

I start laughing loudly and Taehyung joins his eyebrows.

"Feelings? How many times do I have to tell you that I can't feel? She definitely amuses me, I have to admit, and being with her is a lot of fun but I don't have feelings for her." My smile grows bigger. "And also, falsely accused? Who do you think was the serial killer of the moment? I just took credit for the extra family I didn't kill."

Taehyung looks at me, horrified. "You... the other three families. Oh God."

"Relax, my victims were all problematic families. Drugs, weapons, prostitution, people that had no salvation and only caused pain to others. I just did some cleaning in the world." I cross my legs and put my hands behind my back as Taehyung sits next to me.

"I don't understand how you and Jimin can be like that." He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"I could say the same to you. I can't deny that sometimes I wonder how it would feel to have that empathy that the rest of you have." I shake my head. "But that curiosity disappears when I see how pathetic you all can get because of it."

"Of course, I forgot you think you're better than everyone else." Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"I don't think I'm better, I know that I am."

Jimin suddenly pokes his head through the door, a stupid smile on his lips. It seems like the talk went pretty well.

"Let's have breakfast, she's coming down," he says and I stand up.

Time for a family breakfast.


(___'s POV)

I'm going insane. And I know it because I'm starting to be like them.

I've been observing each one of their expressions, their gestures, every glance we share, analyzing and trying to make sense of the situation in silence, fighting to find reasons, motives, weaknesses.

The few things I noticed until now have to be useful.

Yoongi: He's the most dangerous one, he doesn't take anything seriously, everything's a game for him no matter how twisted it is. He's also very intelligent, the ability to manipulate and decipher people can be more dangerous than any physical ability.

Jimin: He's unpredictable, volatile behind the mask he's wearing. He isn't as stable as Yoongi, he can get affected when things don't go right or when something annoys him, but I know he isn't exactly what he portrays to be, I know there's something more to him.

The worst thing is that, as much as I try, I can't feel scared around him, and that makes me a lot more cautious around him.

Taehyung: He's their weakness. His humanity, his clear emotions are shown in his expressions and words. I've seen him questioning and doubting this situation so many times, and that's my only advantage.

It's impossible to overcome Jimin and Yoongi if I want to get out of here, but Taehyung, he's another story.

Yes, use him, Taehyung can get you out of here.

That voice inside my head has started annoying me for days now. Is it my conscious, or did I really go insane?

Taehyung loves you, use that love, seduce him, and you'll get what you want.

That's what I've been trying to do these past few days. Little by little, I've started talking to Taehyung everyday, small words that turned into conversations. It wouldn't be credible if I started seducing him from day one, it needs to be done gradually.

I also made sure Jimin and Yoongi wouldn't know about these conversations, it would take them seconds to know my intentions. In fact, all I've done these past days is avoid those two. I don't talk to them, I don't even look at them when I see them in the corridor or in the kitchen.

But I can feel their stares, as if they know, sooner or later, I'd talk to them. As if they're waiting to see how long I can last with this silent game. Jimin's giving me some space, without pressuring me, although I can feel his patience is running out as days go by.

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