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We walk past a few cars, trying to open the doors and checking if there's any unlocked and to our surprise, they're all locked except for this one white car which was left open.

Yoongi starts doing something with the cable under the steering wheel wile I keep looking around us. I can't stop imagining feeling a bullet through my head over and over again.

The car suddenly starts, roaring alive and my heart fills with relief. Although it doesn't last long as I see Yoongi leaning against the car, nearly losing his consciousness.

Jihye and I quickly help him lay down in the back seats.

"Hey, hey, you'll be alright," I whisper as I carefully lay his head down on the seat and Jihye gives me a worried look, telling me with her eyes that he won't make it.

We both get in the car, Jihye jumping in the driver's seat while I jump in next to her.

"How am I supposed to drive like this, I can't stop shaking." Her teary eyes find mine. "I'm scared."

"You can do it." I speak softly as I take her hand in mine. "Yoongi needs medical assistance and we need to get out of here right now. You can do it, Jihye, I know you can."

(a/n: team reader x jihye LETS GOOOO)

She gives me a small nod and starts driving.

We pass the gates of the madhouse, the night feeling even darker as we drive through the woods.

I turn on the heater, trying to warm up our bodies.

"How's Yoongi doing?" she asks and I turn back to look at Yoongi. His eyes are closed and his hand is hanging slightly over the seat.

"Yoongi?" I call out softly, but there's no answer. "Shit, no."

I feel his hand, it's really cold.

"Yoongi? Yoongi!" I yell but there's no response.

"No, no, no..." Jihye starts crying again.

I place a finger under his nose. "He's not breathing! Shit, Jihye what do I do?!"

"I don't know, CPR?! I don't know for God's sake!"

"I don't freaking know how to do that!" Tears start forming in my eyes as I shake him.

"Yoongi, please wake up." I frown.

I see his cold, pale body laying on the back seat, lifeless.

All I hear are the sounds of my heavy breaths and Jihye's sobs. She cleans her tears constantly to be able to see the road.

Another person died because of me. If he didn't get involved with me trying to provoke the killer, this wouldn't have happened. It feels like death is following me and the people around me.

The further we get from the psychiatric, the safer I feel, but the more worried I get for the rest still in there. I don't want anyone else to die.

But the only way to help them is escaping and warning the police. No one could make it against an armed killer.

"Stop the car."

Yoongi's voice surprises me, sounding like music to my ears. He's alive!

I turn to look at him, but the scene in front of me makes my heart stop.

Yoongi is seated, his arm extended straight towards Jihye pressing a gun against her neck.

"Yoongi..." My voice is barely a whisper.

"Stop the car," he repeats more sternly, pressing the gun harder against her neck, causing her to let out a terrified squeal. "Now!"

Jihye brakes the car so hard that our bodies leap forward, nearly smashing against the front of the car.

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