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(Taehyung's POV)

I shouldn't have let her go like that. My sudden kiss left her perturbed, I know it, and I still let her run away from me like that.

I need to clear things up, make her understand that we have history, long before Jimin and Yoongi got involved in this.

I walk from one side to the other, wondering if I should go get her.

Argh, I shouldn't have lost control and kissed her like that.

Yes, I definitely need to clear things up.

Determined, I get out of my room and walk towards hers.

I stop in front of her door, feeling a bit insecure. I raise my hand to knock, but I remember how she entered my room without knocking, so with courage, I open the door.

I look around, but she isn't inside. Where did she go?

But then I hear it.

Sounds and noises coming from the closet at the other side of the room. But my stomach twists when I realize what kind of sounds they are.

What? No, no, no. This can't be true.

___..., my ___.

I clench my fists tight, my whole body tensing. I remember her words, tormenting me, punishing me.

"Could you deal with it?"

I suddenly hear her calling out his name between gasps.


I clench my jaw, my knuckles turning white as I feel betrayal, jealousy and pain taking over me and a strong fury building up inside me.

"What are you doing here?"

I turn my head to find Yoongi walking towards me with his eyebrows joined, questioning why I'm standing in front of her room looking so unstable.

I can't say a word, my breathing is so agitated and Yoongi walks up to me, letting out a sigh.

"I asked, what are you-" He stops when he hears the sounds, realizing what's going on, and a smirk lifts his lips. "Oh."

"I'm going to kill him." I turn around and walk to Jimin's room with fast steps, taking his gun. Yoongi follows me, barely stopping me as I leave his room with the gun in my hand.

"Taehyung, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" he exclaims.

"Move, Yoongi." My voice sounds the coldest I've ever heard it, my teeth clenched and my blood boiling.

He doesn't move, so I push him away and walk with determination to her room when Yoongi speaks.

"Are you really going to do this to ___?"

I stop suddenly, my hands tightening around the gun.

"You'll traumatize her if you kill him in front of her, and she'll blame herself for it. We did this so she wouldn't have to blame herself for anything. Are you going to destroy everything now just because she's in love with him? You're so selfish." Yoongi shakes his head at me.

Those words burn my chest and my hands start to shake slightly. "That's not true, she doesn't love him, she'd never..."

"Fall for him?" he finishes for me. "How stupidly blind are you, Taehyung? Or is it that you didn't want to notice?"

"What are you talking about? They weren't even talking." I frown.

"Who said words are needed to express feelings? Did you not notice how they look at each other? Or the small smiles they share every time they meet?"

His words remind me of the brief encounters I've seen between Jimin and ___. How she ignored him in the hallway but glanced at him through the corner of her eyes, how he smiled when he noticed her looking his way. The way she blushed and looked away every time she saw Jimin coming out of the bathroom with his towel, how she avoided him at all costs, becoming nervous and clumsy around him.

"She..." I fall to my knees, dropping the gun to the floor.

Yoongi lets out a sigh. "She loves him, Taehyung."

For someone who claims to not feel anything at all, Yoongi seems to know a lot about feelings.


(Jimin' POV)


I throw myself back on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

That was incredible. She's incredible.

I can't stop visualizing what just happened again and again in my head.

The way her body moved with mine, the way her pink lips kissed me with the same desperation, wanting me as badly as I wanted her, her hands grabbing my hair as I kissed the sensitive skin of her neck.

She's making me go crazy.

The way she looks at me with those pretty eyes, how she holds her breath every time I come closer, the way she blushes when I make her flustered, and the way she tries to act cold towards me, but ends up giving in.

She's so beautiful.

I smile from ear to ear like a fool as I think about her. What is she doing to me?

"You can stop smiling like an idiot."

I look towards the door and find Yoongi staring at me.

"How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Long enough to see how pathetically happy she left you."

I can't help but chuckle at the truth. "She's always had this effect on me, hm?"

Yoongi walks closer. "But someone isn't so happy."

"Taehyung?" I quickly sit up.

He nods. "He really went out of control this time."

"Shit." I run my hand through my hair.

"This whole situation's affecting him a lot, you should go speak to him."

I stand up from my bed. "Where is he?"

"Went out for a walk, said he needed some fresh air." Yoongi shrugs.

"I'll go and find him, I need to clear things up, I need to tell him that ___ isn't a game for me, that..." I stop, I can't bring myself to say it in front of him.

But Yoongi doesn't say anything. He already knows, he's always known who ___ is to me from the very start.

"You need to tell him," Yoongi says and I nod, walking out of my room.

I walk downstairs, and surprisingly, I find Taehyung in the living room, but something seems really strange. He's just standing there, in the middle of the room, staring at the couch.

I walk closer to him, Yoongi following behind me and follow his gaze.

I freeze when I see ___ sitting there, her legs crossed and her hands on both sides of the couch, as if she was the queen of the place.

Her eyes shine in a way I've never seen them before, a twisted smile spreading on her lips.

No, she isn't ___...

I look at the boys and the look on their faces tell me they know too.

She is...

The Red Princess.

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