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He's wearing a mask that doesn't let me see his face. I can barely see his eyes, much less notice their color.

My father lets me go, raising his hands in defeat. "What is this? Who are you? The police?"

The man doesn't answer and I start coughing desperately for air. My eyes fall on my mother who's a few steps behind my father with another person behind her, pointing a knife at her neck.

What is going on? Who are these strangers?

A third person enters through the door, also dressed in black, but his face is uncovered.


The concern in his face is clear. "Are you okay, ___? We're on your side, don't be afraid."

When my mother sees Taehyung, there's rage in her eyes.

"You! I knew you were a bad influence," she spits at him and my father clenches his jaw.

"You got some help for this? How? Do you also let them play with you?" He barely finishes his sentence when the masked man hits his head with the back of his gun, making him collapse, and he quickly moves on top of him to punch him over and over until my father's face becomes a mess of blood and cuts.

I feel satisfaction hitting my chest.

"Hey, that's enough," the other man behind my mother says and Taehyung takes a step towards us.

"He's right, stop it," Taehyung says.

Why are they not saying any names?

The man attacking my father stops, but takes his neck to speak in his face.

"It's because of shit like you that I enjoy killing," he seethes. His voice is cold, but at the same time so subtle that it could sound soft.


These two masked men are dangerous, but why are they here? Did Taehyung bring them? Why are they helping me?

I stop worrying about it. They're on my side and that's all that matters.

The man with my father stands up, pointing the gun at him. My father's nearly unconscious because of the hard beating.

"No!" my mother screams desperately, but the man behind her holds her tighter, the knife grazing her neck as he whispers.

"Shhh," he says, and I look at the scene in front of me when the man with the gun turns his head towards me.

"Do you want me to shoot him?" he asks.

His question surprises me, but I shake my head slowly. "No."

The one holding my mother speaks again, his tone mocking. "You want to kill him yourself, don't you?"

A smile lifts my lips. "Yes."

The man with the gun lowers it, putting it back in his holster. "How can we help you?"

I don't think twice.

"Tie them up to those chairs." My voice sounds as cold as theirs.

I wasn't expecting them to do as I said so fast, but when they do, I don't complain.

My parents are tied up to the chairs, looking completely vulnerable and very frightened.

I stand in front of them just enjoying what I'm seeing.

The two masked men and Taehyung stand on the side without intervening and I don't care that they're here. I have an audience.

Let the show begin.

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