Arc 2. Chapter 2-6

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The letter arrived two days later. Lucas was the one who received it, and he promptly took me aside so we could read it together.

"So, we have an official invitation to Ezekiel's house so he can 'checkup' on my condition" I said while looking at Lucas, frowning slightly. "What now?"

"Now, we tell your parents" he answered simply, as if it really was that easy. I sighed, having no other option as we discussed the best way to bring up the letter. We decided to do it after dinner, when my parents were done for the day and tired enough they wouldn't put too much of a fight. Once that was decided, we proceeded with our day as normal, though I couldn't help but feel the tension all over my body as I waited for the time to come.

When it did, it went just as good as expected.

"I'm going with you" mom proclaimed, crossing her arms with a stubborn frown on her face. It was already after dinner and Thomas was sleeping. When Lucas brought up the letter mother looked displeased despite not saying anything, but when he read it that's when she couldn't contain herself anymore.

I reacted quickly, knowing she was going to be the first to complain. "It's just a checkup. Lucas said he will accompany me, and since he knows Ezekiel better and considering how secretly necromancers act, the less people, the better."

"I will accompany you two" she repeated. I frowned, but Lucas spoke before I could.

"Diane, although I think the same as you and that you should come with us, unfortunately what Elaine said it's the truth. It would be better with less people involved."

"Better for whom? Why should I trust that man with anything regarding my daughter? It's strange enough we were never told what exactly happened to her in that place, but to make everything worse, he's a necromancer. I'm not allowing either of you to go to him without an adult, regardless of how much you say you trust him."

"Lucas has known him since he was small! Besides, he's the one that saved my life back then, and the only one who can properly tell if I'm getting better or not!"

"But of what?" dad asked, talking for the first time. His arms were crossed and his brows furrowed, but he didn't look hostile like mom, more like just puzzled. "What exactly did he do to save your life? What happened there that put your life in danger in the first place?"

Silence followed his question. Honestly, to not be asked that for over three months was already too much luck, sooner or later they would become too curious or a situation would arise that made them question me about it, but even if so much time had passed, I still didn't feel like I could tell them.

So, I went with the truth. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Are we supposed to just accept that, then?" mom shook her head. "Oh, I don't think so. You're asking to go to a necromancer on your own to get a checkup, whatever that is supposed to mean, and you won't even tell us for what?"

"I don't want to talk about it" I repeated, this time a bit more forcefully. "Listen, maybe one day I'll be prepared to tell you, but I don't want to do that right now. Can't you just trust me when I say I need to go see this necromancer? That he won't do anything bad to me or Lucas?"

"It's not that we don't trust you, Elaine..." dad started saying, but he was interrupted by mom.

"So we just let you go and wait for you to come back? If you ever come back? I don't like this at all, there's already a precedent and I'll be dead before I let you out of this house without one of us to make sure you're not in danger again!"

"I'm twelve already! Stop acting as if I can't do anything without supervision! If I'm telling you that you can't come with us, it's for a reason!" I exploded. It was definitely not a smart move on my part, but the whole situation was getting me pretty agitated. Not only that, but I was angry too. Twelve years old was already a good enough age to start making decisions on my own. Plenty of children my age even worked and earned money for their families! What did she think she could do if she accompanied us, anyway? She was even more useless than me when it came to magic, and her half-baked self-defense would do her no favors if something truly went wrong. If I lost control of the demon and it attacked her, she would stand no chance!

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